I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair


I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

See 5 steps to recover discolored hair after chemistry! (Photo: Instagram @katherine_josee)

I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Bleached hair needs a capillary schedule with hydration, nutrition and reconstruction (Photo: Instagram @_edwardsandco)

I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

After bleaching your hair, do deep treatments with liquid keratin and an argan oil mask (Photo: Instagram @nessafinessin)

I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

diva tip

I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Niely Gold Powerful Reconstruction Concentrated Mask 430g

Explore I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Liquid Keratin Niely Gold Intensive Repair 120ml

Explore I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Powerful Post-Chemical Niely Gold Concentrated Mask

Explore I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Niely Gold Post Chemical Powerful Styling Cream

Explore I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Powerful Post Chemical Niely Gold Silicone

Explore I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Niely Gold Potent Reconstruction Split Ends Silicone 42ml

Explore I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Niely Gold Powerful Reconstruction Combing Cream

Explore I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Niely Gold Magic Nutrition Concentrated Mask 430g

Explore I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Niely Gold Powerful Reconstruction Conditioner 175ml

Explore I bleached my hair, now what? Learn 5 steps to restore damaged hair

Niely Gold Powerful Reconstruction Shampoo 300ml


After bleaching your hair, it's important to be aware of possible damage to your locks. Hair can only lose shine and softness, but it can also become damaged, breakage and lack natural elasticity. This happens because discoloration is an aggressive procedure that removes important nutrients and proteins from the hair, which impairs hair health. Fortunately, both dull hair and hair with a lot of breakage can return to being shiny and healthy after a good care routine!

To help you, stayed diva listed 5 steps to recover discolored hair after chemistry. Check out!

1. Reconstruction restores strength and resistance to bleached hair

Right after discoloration, hair needs rebuilding to restore damaged strands. This treatment is responsible for returning the proteins lost during the chemical procedure, which helps to give strength and resistance to discolored and weakened hair.

You can do the reconstruction with hair products that offer the treatment, such as the reconstruction cream, but it is worth using a complete line to receive the benefits of the treatment from cleaning to finishing.

Diva tip: investing in keratin products is a good way to give softness and shine to hair damaged during reconstruction. Our suggestion is the Powerful Reconstruction line, by Niely Gold, rich in Max Keratin-V and bamboo extract to recover damaged hair and give it strength, softness and resistance! The line reconstruction mask provides a powerful treatment to bring this type of hair back to life.

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2. Hydration adds shine, softness and silkiness to bleached hair

Bleached and damaged hair also needs hydration to get it back to being shiny, silky and soft! The treatment restores water and vitamins to the hair, fighting dryness, frizz and dullness.

To hydrate, the tip is to bet on a line of products rich in argan oil and a load of proteins, ingredients that make all the difference in chemically treated hair. The argan oil offers hydration and regeneration, while the protein load gives strength, fullness and softness, in addition to preventing split ends.

Diva tip: the Post-Chemistry Powerful line, by Niely Gold, was formulated to hydrate hair with chemistry! After using the shampoo, conditioner, mask, combing cream and oil from the collection, the result is stronger, softer, shinier and healthier hair!

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3. Finish bleached hair with styling cream and hair oil with UV filter

Hair oil and styling cream are essential finishers for bleached hair! Hair oil is a great option to hydrate, reduce frizz and align the strands, in addition to having a UV filter to protect the hair against damage caused by ultraviolet rays. The combing cream is a multifunctional finisher, which not only helps to untangle the hair, but also to control frizz, prevent dryness and shield the hair against the heat of thermal tools. Really good right?


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4. Use liquid keratin once a week to recover bleached hair

Allied to the reconstruction mask, liquid keratin is a little product that will help you in the process of recovering damaged and bleached hair. It replaces keratin, a protein that makes up about 90% of hair strands. Returning this protein helps in restoring the hair structure, which makes the hair strong and resistant! In the Potent Reconstruction line, you can find Liquid Keratin to use once every 15 days and do a deep treatment.

A post shared by Kirsty Sage (@kirstyannehair)

5. Do hair schedule nutrition frequently

Nutrition is one of the three stages of the capillary schedule that cannot be missing from your routine, as well as hydration and reconstruction. She is responsible for replacing oils and nutrients, which makes her right to fight frizz and intense dryness.

Doing the treatment once or twice a week is essential to nourish post-bleach hair. Curly and frizzy hair with bleached hair needs treatment even more, as natural oiliness is difficult to reach on lengths and ends.

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