Shampoozada: check out everything about this technique and how to do it at home

Are you tired of your hair color? Didn't the coloring turn out the way you imagined? Your problems are over! We came to tell you all about shampoozada, a new super practical technique that promises to restore the color of your locks, leaving your hair amazing. Check out.

Shampoozada: check out everything about this technique and how to do it at home

What is shampoo?

Shampoozada is a new method that has been very successful out there! Very similar to a deep cleaning, this technique promotes a smoothing of the pigmentation applied to the hair, being able to lighten the lock in up to two tones of the current color!

O bom é que esse tratamento não agride os fios, comparado com os produtos de descoloração mais comum do mercado. Então se você deseja retirar uma coloração ou corrigir alguma falha de pigmentação nos fios, confira como fazer a shampoozada.

Shampoozada: check out everything about this technique and how to do it at home

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How to make shampoo?

The shampoozada step by step is very easy and you can do it at home using very simple and affordable products, take a look.


  • bleaching powder;
  • Água-oxigenada volume 10 ou 20;
  • Neutral shampoo.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Em um recipiente, adicione duas medidas de água-oxigenada, uma medida de pó descolorante e duas medidas do shampoo neutro.
  2. Mix the products until they have a homogeneous texture.
  3. With damp hair, apply the mixture evenly strand by strand, wrapping the strands well. Let it act for 15 to 30 minutes.
  4. Soon after, rinse the lock well and finish with a moisturizer of your choice.

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Simple, right? There is no mystery to bet on the shampoozada at home! However, there is little care, so be careful with the product's action time and never use anti-residue shampoo in this method!

Shampoozada: check out everything about this technique and how to do it at home

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Does shampoo work for natural hair?

The purpose of shampoozada is only to eliminate coloring pigments. The bleaching products used in this process are not efficient in promoting lightening of natural locks. Incidentally, this procedure on virgin hair can be harmful, and can dry out and break the strands.

Sendo assim, para as madeixas naturais o processo ideal é a descolorização comum ou tonalizantes. Mas se deseja buscar formas naturais para abrir o tom do seu cabelo, no {marca_origen} já contamos tudo sobre Como clarear o cabelo naturalmente: Confira receitas fáceis para mudar o visual em casa, dá uma olhada!

Who is it for?

The shampoozada is indicated for those who want to clean the hair after coloring. Whether to apply another color, lighten the shade of the lock or correct pigmentation flaws.

It is also a very used method to replace the toner, as this product can be somewhat aggressive for our hair fiber. Super practical and efficient, huh?

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