How to combine toenails with fingernails with different colors?

makeup and nails

27/ How to match fingernails and toenails with different colors? How to combine toenails with fingernails with different colors?

Matching different nail polish colors for hands and feet can be a tricky task.

How to combine toenails with fingernails with different colors?

Light shades are always wildcards when you don't know what to choose for nail polish

How to combine toenails with fingernails with different colors?

Black is accurate, discreet on the nails and matches any option you choose for your feet.

How to combine toenails with fingernails with different colors?

In the case of more vivid colors, such as pink, the tip is to choose to vary the same tone on the hands

How to combine toenails with fingernails with different colors? How to combine toenails with fingernails with different colors? How to combine toenails with fingernails with different colors? How to combine toenails with fingernails with different colors?

A trend that caught on for a while and influences the choice of nail polishes to this day is the hand and foot combo in the same color. Because it's more accurate and doesn't require a lot of thought about combinations, many girls follow this style. Thus, when it is necessary to harmonize different shades in the enamelling of hands and feet, some doubts may arise on how to decorate and decide on tones. The Stay Diva separated some tips that will help you in this task. Come check it out!

Make a variation of the same tone

A good alternative to not having a mistake in the combination is to invest in variations of the same color for the hand and foot. This tip keeps the style more like the combo method that uses the same nail polish for the ends. Here you can play with the intensities of the shades by applying dark and light in the enamelling. Blues, reds, pinks, oranges, nudes and grays work well with this technique.

Bet on a joker color for the feet

Foot enamelling does not always happen with the same frequency as hands. And to always achieve a balanced look, opt for wildcard colors for your toenails. Francesinhas and light colors are classics to save in these situations. The nudes, browns and grays are also versatile to be combined with other colors. And if you prefer a bolder look, go for black or red variations.

Play with the color wheel to make different and harmonic combinations

To get out of the sameness and have fun with your manicure and pedicure, why not use the color wheel to assemble the combinations? That's right, diva! It's that circle you saw in school. In it you will be able to find which shades are complementary and assemble associations completely different from anything you've ever seen. Purple and yellow, for example, are opposite colors and go very well together. Test this tip and apply color mixtures in your everyday life.

If the shade pleases you, why not use it?

It's important to know that there are no rules when it comes to your enamelling! If two colors please you, there's no reason not to use them. Your tastes should dictate your choices. Trying different things is essential for a change, knowing other trends and ways to combine. But, the final decision should always be made based on your style and preferences.

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