I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color?


17 I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color? I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color?

Purple is a democratic color that suits different skin tones and hair types.

I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color?

Purple also does not interfere with your day look or makeup

I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color?

The lighter or more closed tones are discreet. Start with highlights to get used to the look.

I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color?

If your purple hair fades, it can create new shades. Take the opportunity to increase the interval between touches!

I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color?

To keep the color shiny and make your hair healthier, bet on moisturizing the strands

I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color?

Don't forget to use products with a UV filter, to protect the purple

I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color? I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color? I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color? I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color? I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color? I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color?

diva tip

I want to dye my hair purple, what can I do to achieve the color?

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Colored hair is increasingly popular and many girls are betting on different shades to change their look. But don't think that this list only includes blondes, browns and reds! Shades of purple are on the rise and are successful on social media and with cool bloggers. In the mood for nuance? Learn more about the color and see how to take care of the wires!

Purple suits all skin tones

Before throwing yourself into the fantasy color, you need to know if the tone will match your skin. Not because colors are “forbidden” for you, none of that! It's just that some shades can devalue your look, leave you with paler skin or aged appearance.

Not the case with purple! The color is very democratic and its variations adapt to different skin tones. The darker nuances, pulled towards wine or red, tend to be more discreet. Lilac and lighter colors are perfect for those who are already platinum. Want to rock? So choose a very impactful purple!

Purple is easier to combine with your everyday look

There are those who don't care about this, but many girls, after betting on colored hair, find it difficult to choose the look of the day. That's because there's that doubt if the color of the clothes isn't "erasing" the hair tone, and vice versa.

The coolest thing about purple tones is that, in addition to being super democratic, they also don't "fight" with the other colors in your wardrobe. On the contrary: the purplish tones value your production and leave the look full of personality. How about investing in a purple one to call yours?

As it fades, purple gains new nuances

When dyeing our hair, what we least want is for the hair to fade and lose its intensity, right? Well, in addition to all the qualities we've already mentioned about purple, it still has one more.

It's just that the tone, when fading, gains other nuances, especially if it is more drawn to lilac and gray. And this mix is ​​super stylish! As you need to bleach your hair before jumping into purple, the good thing is that you can extend the break and enjoy the new colors.

Tips to keep your purple always up to date

Even if you like the most faded effect, it's important to know how to take good care of your purple so that the shade lasts longer in your hair. For this, invest in hydration to keep the wires shiny and always soft.

Also, touch up the fantasy color with a tonalizer every 15 days, to prevent your root from being too marked. Another great tip: don't forget to protect your hair with products that have a UV filter, so that the sun's rays don't interfere with your tone.

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