How to use aloe vera with castor oil on your hair?

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02/ How to use aloe vera with castor oil on your hair? How to use aloe vera with castor oil on your hair?

Castor oil, along with aloe vera, form a powerful duo to stimulate hair growth.

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How to use aloe vera with castor oil on your hair?

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Divas who are in search of a long hair must have heard about the benefits of castor oil. But did you know that the treatment can become even more powerful if you combine vegetable oil with aloe vera? It's just that the plant also has properties that help with hair growth, in addition to strengthening highlights and preventing hair loss. Learn more about these natural ingredients and check out an amazing recipe for your Rapunzel project!

Castor oil stimulates the circulation of nutrients in the scalp

The first step to getting Rapunzel-style hair is to take care of your scalp. That's because it's in this region that all the nutrients that wires need to grow stronger and healthier pass.

In that case, it's worth investing in castor oil in your hair treatments. The natural product has antioxidant power, making a more thorough cleaning at the root and allowing the entry of nutrients that make the hair grow. In addition, castor oil is rich in vitamin E, further increasing its nutritional capacity.

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A post shared by GABI BUSNELLO (@gcbusnello) on Nov 27, 2018 at 3:42 am PST

Use aloe vera to prevent hair loss

The big challenge for those who want to have long hair is to keep them strong enough to prevent breakage and hair loss. In the case of hair loss, the situation is even more tense, since it can be caused by different factors and the hairs fall out in one piece, directly from the root.

To prevent falling, aloe vera can help you. The transparent gel that comes inside the plant is full of vitamins and amino acids, which act throughout the hair fiber to give more strength to the hair. In addition, like castor oil, aloe vera also cleans the scalp, eliminating possible residues that can clog pores and impair growth.


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A post shared by Victoria Gomez (@vic_toryy) on Feb 15, 2018 at 2:44 am PST

Learn how to use aloe vera with castor oil on your hair

Now that you have no doubt that castor oil and aloe vera are important for hair care and stimulating hair growth, it's time to learn a babadeira recipe that unites the two ingredients. Check it step by step:

1 th step: remove the gel from 1 aloe vera leaf with the help of a spoon and blend it in a blender to achieve a more uniform texture.

2 th step: in a container, place the beaten gel and add two teaspoons of castor oil. Mix well!

3 th step: with clean and dry hair, apply the mixture to the hair, making circular movements at the roots. Let it act all night and just remove it the next day. Bonus tip: put on a cap to protect the wires.

4 th step: wash your hair twice with shampoo without salt and then apply the conditioner. Finish as usual.


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