How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair


28 How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair

The bleaching powder, together with the hydrogen peroxide, facilitates the lightening of the threads

How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair

The blue bleaching powder removes the natural pigments and neutralizes the yellowness of the hair.

How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair

The action time of the bleaching powder varies according to the manufacturer, but it is recommended not to exceed 30 minutes.

How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair

If you leave the bleaching powder on your hair for a long time, it can break and become even more dry.

How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair

It is important to take good care of the hair before using the bleaching powder

How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair

After lightening the strands, bet on hydration and reconstruction to recover the highlights

How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair

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How long can the bleach stay in the hair? Find out how to use the product to lighten the hair

Natural Very Light Blond 11.0 Color&Ton Cream Coloring


If you want to go blonde, but you think it's enough to apply the desired color to the hair, it's better to stay tuned here for our tips. That's because, depending on your base color, you may need to go through the discoloration first. So far so good, but the procedure is not that simple. In addition to knowing exactly how to do the technique, the action time of the bleaching powder interferes a lot with the final result. Know more!

Bleaching powder strips the hair of its natural pigment

As the name already suggests, the bleaching powder will remove the natural color of the hair so that the bleaching is more effective. But he doesn't do it alone. It is necessary to mix it with hydrogen peroxide, so that it opens the cuticles of the threads and, thus, the powder penetrates the fiber and removes the pigments.

You also need to pay attention to the volume of hydrogen peroxide, which varies according to your tone height and your goal. Therefore, if you are not sure about doing the procedure yourself, the best option is to look for a professional to avoid mistakes and avoid future damage.

The bleach can stay on the wires for up to 30 minutes

This mixture of bleaching powder and hydrogen peroxide also needs a maximum amount of time to have the expected effect. This range will depend on the manufacturer and will certainly be specified on the packaging.

Therefore, respect this time and do not leave it just a little longer than indicated. In general, this time is 30 minutes, but keep an eye on the packaging and follow the instructions strictly. In addition to not making you blonder, you can have more serious problems if you go overboard.

There are different types of bleach

Another important issue is to keep an eye on the different types of bleach. The more traditional bleaches the hair, while the blue powder, in addition to bleaching, helps to neutralize the yellowish appearance of the hair. In addition to them, there is also ammonia-free bleaching powder, which is less aggressive than the others.

Anyway, when it comes to discoloration, you can't be silly. Before applying the mixture to the strands and changing the look, remember to keep your hair healthy and prepared to receive the chemical, agreed?

Take care of highlights after discoloration

As the discoloration process completely opens the cuticles to remove the color from the strands, it is common for you to end up with the most dry and very fragile locks, even if you have taken care of them before the process.

So, the tip is to pay attention to treatments after discoloration, there's no way around it! Bet on hydration once or twice a week and rebuild every ten days, at least, to recover the lost hair mass.

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