How to grow curly hair for men?

Curly hair

23/ How to grow curly hair for men? How to grow curly hair for men?

Men's curly hair: treatment is super important to help hair growth

How to grow curly hair for men?

Maintaining a care routine helps in the growth of male curly hair

How to grow curly hair for men?

Men can also do hair schedule to treat male curly hair

How to grow curly hair for men? How to grow curly hair for men? How to grow curly hair for men?

diva tip

How to grow curly hair for men?

Curls of Your Way Deep Hydration Mask

Explore How to grow curly hair for men?

Deep Hydration Niely Gold Long + Strong

Explore How to grow curly hair for men?

Niely Gold Long + Strong Styling Cream


Men's curly hair can also be a sensitive issue if viewed from the perspective of societal standards. The capillary transition, a movement towards the acceptance of natural hair that has become common among women, may have started slowly, but it has been increasingly successful among men. But just like women, who even more used to dealing with their hair need to learn everything again during and after the transition, men also have many doubts about how to take care of and finish their hair. For this reason, Fica Diva has separated some instructions that can help you in the process of making your hair long curly. Check out! 

Big Men's Curly Hair: Getting Through The First Days Is The Hardest Part

Those who choose to let their hair grow from scratch have to go through a phase of uncertainty, when their hair has no defined shape. For boys who usually shave, the first feeling of leaving your curly hair long is that it's past time to cut it and you'll want to go to the barber all the time. However, over time your curls will appear and give your hair dimension and shape again. You have to be very patient in the first few days and ignore the negative comments. Focus on the result and don't give up!

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Care to stimulate growth is also valid for male curly hair

A very common practice among girls who go through hair transition is to invest in routines focused on growth. Some products serve to encourage the hair to grow healthy, strong and with a lot of shine. These treatment routines also apply to men's curly hair. 

If you don't even know where to start, ingredients like aloe vera, castor oil and rosemary are great options for homemade recipes. Those who prefer to use ready-made creams can bet on treatment products that have these components and are enriched with vitamins and proteins such as keratin. They strengthen the thread by preventing breakage and favoring growth. 

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Men's curly hair can be defined with the right care

An important issue in male curly hair care is that treatments are as important as finishing. The combing cream alone does not work a miracle! You need to invest in a capillary schedule with hydration, nutrition and reconstruction to restore nutrients and control everyday damage. This step is essential to ensure defined, well-groomed and silky hair.

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