Cleansing oil: see how to adopt the product in your skincare routine

The skincare world is always renewing, with products that promise and work miracles on the skin! The new fever of the moment is the cleansing oil.

Only this little product promotes several benefits for our skin and is easy to use. Were you curious to find out more? Come here and see everything about cleansing oil and tips on how to use it.

Cleansing oil: see how to adopt the product in your skincare routine

What is cleansing oil?

Sensation imported from South Korea, cleansing oil or, in Portuguese, cleaning oil, is an oil-based cosmetic with emulsifiers. The product is multi-purpose, as it removes makeup, cleanses and moisturizes the skin.

The product performs this miracle, as its formula uses the “like dissolves like” technique. That is, cleansing oil can dissolve skin tallow and cosmetic oil, unobstructing pores and promoting deep cleaning.

The emulsifier, on the other hand, is a surfactant that assists in the removal of residues and allows the oil to mix with the water, allowing the total removal of the product only with water.

What are the benefits?

  • Remove as impurezas profundamente;
  • Removes makeup and sunscreen without harming the skin;
  • Unclogs pores;
  • Helps in reducing carnations and pimples;
  • It does not dry out the skin, keeping it hydrated.

Can all skin types use?

Yes, cleansing oil is indicated for all skin types, especially oily skin, as the product acts by removing sebum from pores.

However, if you notice your skin looking very oily, discontinue use and consult your dermatologist.

How to adopt in routine?

As already seen, cleansing oil is like a cleaning gel, so it's a product to adopt in your easy hygiene routine.

And how to use?

Using it is super easy: I applied the product with my hands and dry face, making circular movements all over the face. The ideal is to clean for at least 3 minutes to deeply remove makeup and dirt.

Finally, wet your hands and repeat circular movements until the product emulsifies, this occurs when the product takes on a milky appearance. Rinse your face and, if you prefer, clean with your favorite cleansing gel.

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