Dry mascara? Learn how to soften and restore texture

We women are always very careful with our makeup. And we have a special attachment to those little products that look perfect on our skin.

We want, and we should, use the packaging until the end to take advantage of every drop of makeup that makes us more beautiful, of course! But sometimes we are surprised by products that become brittle or dry in a short time.

Dry mascara? Learn how to soften and restore texture

If your favorite mascara is dry and you don't know what to do to recover it, we have some infallible tricks to help you achieve the desired texture and recover your makeup. Check out our tips on how to soften mascara!

Dry mascara? Learn how to soften and restore texture

Leave in: What is it? Check all about the product

regular mascara

For common mascaras, which do not have waterproof formulas, the best solution is to use saline solution. To recover the light and smooth texture, just add 2 to 6 drops of saline solution or eye drops. Close the product and shake the package until the liquid and mascara are completely merged.

Dry mascara? Learn how to soften and restore texture

waterproof mascara

Unlike normal mascaras, which melt easily with water, waterproof mascara needs a few drops of mineral oil to soften the product and restore its initial consistency. After inserting the drops of mineral oil, close the package and mix until you get the desired result.

Dry mascara? Learn how to soften and restore texture

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double boiler

In both cases, if you prefer, you can place the mascara bottle in a container with previously heated water, which will help soften the mascara. Be careful not to boil the water so as not to melt the packaging and change the product's formula.

Dry mascara? Learn how to soften and restore texture

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Extra Tips:

avoid dryness

The mascara dries out in contact with the air. We often make a vertical movement of opening and closing the package several times to mix the product with the help of the brush. Do not do that again! This helps to get more air into the packaging and accelerates the drying of the product.

To prevent the mascara from drying out again, always clean the edge of the packaging with the help of a tissue. In this way, you will remove excess product, which makes it difficult to close the lid, and allows water to evaporate.

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Dry mascara? Learn how to soften and restore texture

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Pay attention to the expiry date

Although these are effective solutions to recover any type of mascara, whenever possible, the ideal would be to choose to buy a new mascara, to avoid the proliferation of bacteria, which will come into contact with the eyes.

Pay attention to the expiry date of the product. If it has already expired, throw it away. Products with an expired expiration date can cause skin and eye allergies and irritation.

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Dry mascara? Learn how to soften and restore texture

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Dry mascara? Learn how to soften and restore texture

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