What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for


23/ What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

Hair reconstruction is one of the hair schedule treatments

What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

Hair reconstruction is perfect for saving hair that is extremely damaged.

What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

Discolored strands need to undergo reconstruction to recover proteins lost during discoloration

What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

Liquid keratin helps to recover lost capillary mass from the threads

What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

All you need is a reconstructive mask or liquid keratin.

What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

If you are in hair transition, hair reconstruction can also be done

What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

diva tip

What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

Liquid Keratin Niely Gold Intensive Repair 120ml

Explore What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

Niely Gold Powerful Reconstruction Concentrated Mask 430g

Explore What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

Niely Gold Powerful Reconstruction Combing Cream

Explore What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

Niely Gold Powerful Reconstruction Shampoo 300ml

Explore What is hair reconstruction? Know what hair treatment is for

Niely Gold Powerful Reconstruction Conditioner 175ml


Do you know what hair reconstruction is, diva? You've probably heard of this treatment and the other two that make up the capillary schedule: hydration and nutrition. Each of them has a role when it comes to treating your locks, but reconstruction is the treatment that still raises a lot of questions.

After all, what is hair reconstruction for? And how do you know that your strands need this treatment? To answer your main questions about this stage of the schedule, we tell you everything about the reconstruction, how to do it and what products to use. Come with us, diva!

What is hair reconstruction? Understand the role of treatment

In the capillary schedule, each step has a function. Hydration returns water and gives softness to the threads, nutrition returns oils and gives silkiness and shine. What about hair reconstruction? It returns proteins, nutrients that structure the wires, are responsible for restoring strength and help repair damage.

That is, in short, hair reconstruction is a restorative treatment, very suitable for recovering damaged hair and also for maintaining the strands. The frequency of reconstructions in the capillary schedule depends on the health of each hair, but it is not recommended to do the treatment more than once every 15 days so as not to overload the strands with proteins.

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How do I know if my hair needs hair reconstruction?

Since hair reconstruction cannot be done very often, it is essential to know how to identify when your locks need treatment. Generally, when the hair is brittle, lifeless, porous or tangling very easily, these are some signs that it's time for reconstruction.

Wires that have chemistry, especially discolored ones, need a lot of reconstruction. After all, the chemical processes end up wearing down the locks a lot, leaving them more porous, resected and elastic. In addition to coloring and discoloration, straightened hair or hair that is modeled with a flat iron often also needs this treatment to replenish nutrients removed by excess temperature.

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Cauterization X Reconstruction: what is the difference between the treatments

Very different from what most people think, reconstruction and cauterization are not the same treatments. Cauterization has the same step by step as a normal reconstruction, but it needs some heat tool to seal the wire. Reconstruction can even be done with just a reconstructive concentrated mask.

What is the best reconstruction mask? See product tips

Now that you've learned what hair reconstruction is and how to identify when your locks need treatment, how about some product tips to use in your schedule? The reconstruction can be done with a reconstruction mask or with a mask and liquid keratin.

But why keratin? Liquid keratin is a protein that helps recover lost capillary mass, making your hair stronger and more resistant. Capillary reconstruction with liquid keratin restores extremely damaged strands, especially those that have undergone very aggressive chemical treatment, such as discoloration, for example. This treatment is essential in the hair schedule, but you need to be aware of the step-by-step application and the frequency with which you do the process.

As for the products, our diva tip is the Powerful Reconstruction line by Niely Gold, which features shampoo, conditioner, combing cream, reconstruction mask and a liquid keratin for a super complete treatment. All products have MAXQueratina-V and bamboo extract in the formula to restore and smooth the hair.

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Reconstruction can be done even during hair transition

When you're going through the hair transition, you'll notice that the highlights are weakened during the period, which is normal. Therefore, it is recommended that reconstructions be done every 15 days, if your locks are very fragile and in need of deeper treatment. You're going to rock, diva!

Posted on: 22

Updated: 23/

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