What is toning blonde hair? How to tint light strands correctly

blond hair

12/ What is toning blonde hair? How to tint light strands correctly What is toning blonde hair? How to tint light strands correctly

It is possible to tone blonde hair, but you have to use the product the right way.

diva tip

What is toning blonde hair? How to tint light strands correctly

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The toner is an ammonia-free product capable of intensifying the natural tone of the strands or darkening the locks. Therefore, many divas who want to go blonde bet on permanent coloring, since the tonalizer has no lightening power. However, you can use the product on very light hair, just use it the right way. Want to know how to tone your blonde? Check out the tips!

Give your blonde strands a shine bath with the toner

Exposure to sunlight and other day-to-day aggressions can make blonde hair more faded and with a yellowish appearance. In that case, to recover the color and hydrate the locks, it is worth investing in the shine bath.

The treatment, made with toner and hydration cream, gives a good renewal in the tone and texture of the threads, prolonging the retouching time. In addition, as it does not contain ammonia, the toner is much less harmful to the locks.

A post shared by Natalie Jayne Roser (@natalie_roser) on Dec 29, 2017 at 1:47 am PST

Is it possible to tint blonde hair with toner

As mentioned earlier, blonde hair tends to turn yellow because of the day-to-day routine. However, not everyone likes this shade, preferring a grayer and colder nuance.

The good news is that you can tint the lighter strands with the toner. The tip is to bet on shades that have purple or gray reflections (according to the rules of colorimetry), to neutralize the yellowing. It is worth noting that, for a more efficient and error-proof technique, the best option is to look for a professional!


A post shared by Kaylen Zahara (@amazedbykay) on Nov 8, 2017 at 11:56 am PST

Tired of the blonde? Bet on the toner to darken the wires

If you're dying to change your look and become the new brunette on the block, the toner is the best option. That's because, with discolored hair, darkening them is easier and faster with the product.

However, very calm at this time! It's not because you can change the tone of the strands that you can go from blonde to black in the blink of an eye. The tip is to gradually darken, from one to two tones, to avoid stains and surprises in the transformation.

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