Relaxing massage: discover 15 benefits and different techniques

Relaxing massage is, above all, an act of affection, care for your body and self-love. It promotes, in addition to relaxation, as the name already suggests, numerous benefits to our physical and mental health. In addition, the feeling of well-being after a good session is indisputable. If you've never had a relaxing massage, learn a little more about the benefits of this practice.

Relaxing massage: discover 15 benefits and different techniques

How is the relaxing massage?

Relaxing massage is an ancient technique indicated for those who seek to reduce muscle tension, daily stress, relieve body aches and also relax the mind. With smooth and continuous movements always applied with body oils or creams, the massage therapist manipulates each part of the body of the person being massaged with some pressure in order to completely relax the muscles and joints.

It is important to know that the relaxing massage should not be painful or uncomfortable for the person receiving it. The end result is total well-being!

What are the benefits of relaxing massage?

There are countless benefits of relaxing massage for those who receive it. We can list some of them here:

  1. Combat migraines and headaches, in addition to stress and anxiety;
  2. It is indicated to relieve pain in the spine, shoulders and neck;
  3. Acts to improve the elasticity of body muscles and skin;
  4. Promotes the activation of blood and lymphatic circulation in the body;
  5. It is indicated for those who have anxiety crises, emotional problems, lack of motivation and insomnia;
  6. Eliminates toxins and waste from metabolism;
  7. Combat premature aging of the skin;
  8. Strengthens immunity;
  9. Improves digestion and accelerates metabolism;
  10. Balances the functioning of the intestine;
  11. Decreases fatigue and the feeling of constant sleep;
  12. It is indicated for the treatment of osteoarthritis;
  13. Promotes appreciation and intimacy with our own body;
  14. Releases hormones that increase the feeling of well being;
  15. Lowers blood pressure.

Modeling massage: great option to reduce measurements and activate circulation

Relaxing massage: discover 15 benefits and different techniques

Other types of relaxing massage

In addition to the traditional relaxing massage, there are other types of massage that also promote relaxation of the body and muscles. Each has different application techniques. Meet some:


It is a massage that stimulates, through pressure and friction, certain points of the foot and other body regions. Stimulation of these nerve endings improves metabolism, strengthens blood circulation, oxygenation of the organism and clears certain body points. The result is a sense of balance, relaxation and well-being.


This technique, derived from yoga, has three main pillars: vital energy, blood circulation and constant breathing. Applied with the help of essential body oils, it improves the flow of body energy, in addition to having detoxifying power. The practice brings the strengthening of immunity, muscle stimulation, elimination of body toxins, in addition to acting in the realignment of bone structure and muscle body structure.


It is an oriental medicine technique that acts directly on health and well-being through the application of pressure made with fingers, hands and even elbows and knees. The purpose is to eliminate muscle pain and body tension and promote better blood circulation, in addition to improving the energy flow of the person receiving the massage.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is widely used for aesthetic purposes, but it also brings many health benefits, in addition to acting in body relaxation. Through light compression of specific points of the body, it eliminates swelling, reduces muscle flaccidity and promotes body relaxation.

Relaxing massage: discover 15 benefits and different techniques

It is important to point out that when you have a relaxing massage, or any other type of massage, you should seek a qualified professional, a massage therapist. He will master the techniques and their applications so that you have a positive experience and without causing any kind of injury to your body.

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