How to use apple cider vinegar on hair? 4 recipes to save hair

Looking for affordable homemade recipes to revive your hair? You have arrived at the right place!

Here we will show you the benefits of apple cider vinegar, this little product that is never lacking at home. Check it out and bet on the recipes to have envy-inducing hair.

How to use apple cider vinegar on hair? 4 recipes to save hair

Apple cider vinegar in hair?

We already know that vinegar is a multifunctional product, there are several uses in addition to seasoning salad. Vinegar provides some benefits for hair health, helping to recover and moisturize the hair.

Check out tips and homemade recipes with apple cider vinegar

Affordable and practical, investing in apple cider vinegar in hair care will promote envy-inducing locks. By the way, the homemade recipes are super easy and with immediate results. Come check out our tips:

Seal the cuticles and end the frizz

For frizzy and weak hair, vinegar helps to seal the hair cuticles, which helps keep hair hydrated longer and reduces frizz.


  • 3 col. Apple vinegar;
  • 5 col. moisturizing cream.

Mix everything until smooth and apply after washing your hair. Leave to act for 30 minutes and then wash and finish using conditioner.

say goodbye to dandruff

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful active for cleaning the scalp, eliminating accumulated residues and dead skin from the pores.


  • Apple vinegar.

Wash your hair with shampoo only and apply pure vinegar directly to the length of the hair. Let it act for 25 minutes, using a thermal cap. Rinse and finish conditioning the hair.

How to use apple cider vinegar on hair? 4 recipes to save hair

Get rid of hair loss

As it is a great product for cleaning hair, vinegar unclogs the pores of the scalp, keeping the strands stronger and preventing hair loss.


  • 25 ml. Apple vinegar;
  • 100ml. mineral water;
  • 1 spoon of conditioner.

Mix everything and put it in a spray bottle. Apply all over the hair and let it act for 15 minutes. Rinse and finish the hair with your favorite styling cream.

The end of porous and dull hair

Vinegar is considered an acid rebuilder, due to its low pH, which is ideal for restoring the health of damaged and porous hair.


  • 25 ml. Apple vinegar;
  • 100 ml of mineral water.

In a spray bottle, place the ingredients and spray the mixture over the entire length of the hair. Let it act for 15 minutes and then wash your hair and finish conditioning your hair.

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