Planner: what is it, how to do it and where to download it?

If you, like me, are a post-it girl, you need a planner now! Much more than an agenda, the planner, as the name in English already says, is a planning and organization tool. It helps you plan your day, your month and even your year, down to the last detail, by time, appointments and a series of other factors.

Planner: what is it, how to do it and where to download it?

What is a planner and how does it work?

The truth is that saying that a planner is a way of planning is something very broad. There are hundreds of different versions of the tool, from the most generic to a personalized wedding planner, for example. Most planners for sale have a specific format. And no, a planner is not an agenda!

The most common style is that of a notebook. Usually divided into sheets with spaces for daily planning, lists of ideas and a monthly or weekly calendar. However, there are specific planners, such as wedding, travel and even gym planners, for you to organize your exercise routine.

Planner: what is it, how to do it and where to download it?
Via Sharpie

planner theme

The theme is important when choosing which type of planner you want to use. Not all are appropriate for different situations, so do your need analysis first.

The way to use it is also important, because in a weekly or daily planner you can concentrate much more information. While in an annual or monthly planner, you have to learn to be succinct and summarize the data in topics.

I honestly like the weekly formats better. This way, I can organize myself in advance, but without trying to predict the whole year in a single day. Long-term plans can cause anxiety in some people. They need to be done calmly, considering only those events that are taken for granted. Or you'll need a lot of concealer to keep erasing and rewriting!

Planner: what is it, how to do it and where to download it?

Why have a planner?

Just as there are people who go crazy writing their whole lives in the near future, there are those who go crazy with the lack of organization and planning. Lots of deadlines to meet, college assignments to hand in, events to attend and few hours in the day to exercise and sleep. With such a scenario, it is difficult to maintain control if you are not very organized and disciplined.

It turns out that discipline is not an innate virtue. And even with a cell phone reminder, life flies by and we don't even notice. With the new technologies, by the way, the information ends up spreading and repeating itself in e-mail calendars, notices on smart wristbands, electronic reminders and who knows where else.

If you also feel lost in so many notifications and suffer from excess information, the planner will be your best friend.

Planner: what is it, how to do it and where to download it?

Writing down information helps to retain it.

Studies show that when we write on paper with a pen, we retain a certain data better. Not to mention that peace of mind of taking 30 minutes out of your Sunday to find out exactly what's going to happen in your next week. There's nothing better than having a well-made to-do list, so you don't waste time in your day!

Having a planner helps you deal with high-stress situations, such as planning a graduation, an event, or moving house. In these types of planners, you can create lists of things that are missing and mark what has already been resolved.

For those who moved house, it's a hand on the wheel! It is much simpler to visualize the items to buy and you avoid those unnecessary expenses that you commit when you walk around the stores without knowing your real needs.

Planner: what is it, how to do it and where to download it?

How to assemble a planner?

You don't always need to buy a planner. You can assemble yours in several ways. You can print a template, create an Excel spreadsheet, buy a whiteboard, and even post sticky notes around the house. Creativity is the key to everything. The thing to remember here is that creating the planner shouldn't be something that takes all your time.

On the contrary. This type of tool is designed to help you, not trap you. So, regardless of the method you choose, the ideal is to be agile and summarize the subjects well. Using the whiteboard can be great for students, for example. It allows for quick changes (it's easier to delete) and is good for those with a lot of task rotation.

Those who have fixed weekly and monthly tasks can opt for a more permanent model, such as a notebook or a planner on printed paper. Excel lists are ideal for financial planning. The software allows the use of pre-set calculations (completely excellent for those who don't know math).

Remember: start from the beginning! Write down tasks in order of importance and highlight those that are urgent. Create levels and insert information in an inverted pyramid format: the essential at the beginning, at the base of the pyramid, and the less essential at the tip. This gives you a clearer view of what you have to do.

Planner: what is it, how to do it and where to download it?

use colors

Pens, highlighters and ballpoint pens are indispensable accessories for fans of a good planner. With these tools you are able to turn your routine into a work of art. Keywords highlighted from each other are great for reminding you of the main points of the day, so you don't forget that query, and even give your journey more stimulation.

It's still worth using post-it on the planner. Does it seem exaggerated? No way! On a wall planner, for example, sticky notes are very welcome. They are inexpensive, practical, and can be dropped from planning after the event has passed or the objective is completed.

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Planner x bullet journal

Contrary to what the name implies, the bullet journal is a blank notebook that you can turn into an agenda, planner or whatever you want. A lot of people confuse the two, but it's good to remember that the bullet journal can be a planner. And not every planner is a bullet journal. It was clear?

The blank notebook is nice for those who have artistic gifts and love to draw. The main advantage of this type of planner is that you can let your imagination run wild and create as per your needs. For girls who are in a hurry and who don't like to play with markers, a pre-assembled planner is better.

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planner to print

We at Practicals women are also addicted to planners. We love Excel spreadsheets and we don't give up having our lives up to date. That's why we share our downloadable planner template with you. Download your Practicals women planner by clicking on the image below and start organizing your life today. You will see how good it is to have discipline and that this will end up giving you more free time.

Planner: what is it, how to do it and where to download it?

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