Phrases of songs for photos: 60 options for you to bet

Phrases of songs for photos: 60 options for you to bet

Do you have a bunch of photos on your phone to post, but you're out of ideas for creative captions? No problem! We've separated 60 snippets of amazing music for you to caption your photos and leave your feed full of style. Come check it out.

phrases for pictures alone

My Lifestyle Frees My Mind - Charlie Brown Jr.

There are flowers in everything I see - Titans

Head up, feet on the ground, marrenta, extroverted! - Dani Russo

I go with purity in my soul - 1Kilo

Do you want to know the meaning of life? Forward - Emicida

I make myself a house of good feelings where bad faith has no place - Marcelo Jeneci

In a few moments I am tiny and also giant – Marisa Monte

That wide smile of yours is poetry and joy! – Rap Box

It's knowing how to feel infinite - Ana Vilela

Happiness is just a matter of being – Marcelo Jeneci

Phrases for pictures on the beach

Good life, crazy life, brief life! - Station 77

Hey sun, make sure you don't forget and light me up... - Vitor Kley

There is always something to celebrate - Vanessa da Mata

It's not me who navigates me, it's the sea who navigates me! - Paulinho da Viola

I'm the tide, if you go in you'll drown - Fresno

Foot in the sand, coconut water, seaside - Diogo Nogueira

The sea calmed down when she stepped onto the sand - Clara Nunes

A sunset on the beach, a sunset by the sea - Ludmilla

Happiness, peace and harmony - Hori

Free, I was born like the breeze - Agnaldo Rayol

Phrases for pictures with friends

What matters is our joy - Charlie Brown Jr.

Some believe in angels, I believe in friendship - Projota

Spend energy on what builds you - Kell Smith

When we like it, of course we care - Caetano Veloso

I want that life we ​​invent before bed - Kell Smith

Only good things I live... - Saulo

They want our peace, but we have God around us - Plant and Root

Take care of those who love you and take care of yourself, and everything will be fine! - Anitta

Every positivity I wish you - Chorão

There are no reasons not to be happy - Luan Santana

couple photo quotes

Only the good lasts long enough to become unforgettable - Charlie Brown Jr.

What I want is you, I only love you... The rest is whatever! - Luan Santana

Only love builds indestructible bridges - Charlie Brown Jr.

It would be strange if I didn't fall in love with you - Cássia Eller

My smile is so happy with you. My best friend is my love - Tribalistas

It's your smile that mixes with your natural smell, that's what makes you special - Fernando e Sorocaba

Now stay with me and see if you don't let go of me - Cazuza

And among so many people I found you - Marisa Monte

As soon as love entered the middle, the middle became love - Marcelo Camelo

May our love live forever, my gift - Cássia Eller

Phrases for thoughtful and poetic photos

All positivity I wish you because we need it in the days of struggle - Charlie Brown Jr.

Only I know what I went through and what I will have to go through - Dina Di

Maybe one day, through carelessness or poetry, you'll like to stay - Chico Buarque

Nothing I was clothes me now - Maria Gadú

We follow the direction our own heart tells us - Marcelo Camelo

God made me like this, owner of me - IZA

If I sin, it's in the desire to have true love - Los Hermanos

For her, there's no bad time - Liniker and the Caramelows

Free is what she most wanted to be - Tiago Iorc

Life comes in waves like a sea… - Lulu Santos

Phrases for photos wishing good morning

Live, live and be free, knowing how to value the simplest things - Charlie Brown Jr.

Be stronger for believing in the joy of living - Tiago Iorc

Being light is much better, celebrate life and that's it - Lagum

It's better to be happy than to be sad. Joy is the best thing there is… - Vinicius de Moraes

Love all you can, whatever it is, come what may - Tiago Iorc

You don't have to hunt hard to find joy, it's sometimes hidden in everyday things - Kamau

Today let's wish well without looking at who, end loneliness in the act of extending a hand - Melim

The day will dawn for us to invent ourselves again - Cícero

Each of us composes his story. Each being carries the gift of being capable, of being happy - Almir Sater

Today let's wish well, without looking at who! - Melim

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