Phrases for photos alone thoughtful: check out inspiring options

Thoughtful photos always show our poetic and spiritual side, right? But ensuring a reflective sentence at the height can be a little difficult... That's why we selected poetic phrases that will super match your inspiring photos, come here and take a look!

Phrases for photos alone thoughtful: check out inspiring options

It's not enough for me to be a river, if I can be the sea...

O que não for leve, que a vida leve.

Com os pés na areia e o coração em alto mar.

Desejo tudo aquilo que me faca bem de verdade.

A força de vontade vence todas as dificuldades.

Sorrir até o fim de mim.

In the calm of the beach, the sea embraces me.

There are no gray days for those who dream in color.

Coisa boa só atrai coisas boas.

A simples observação muda tudo.

I am my feelings, my ideas!

A luz que me guia é mais forte do que as dificuldades que me cercam.

Plantei amor em mim para que eu possa flore-ser.

Aceito, entrego, confio e agradeço.

Vivo o hoje! O amanhã é duvidoso.

Deixar fluir, pois já deu certo.

Do amor que damos, só o amor herdamos.

Nada é para sempre.

Florir ao invés de ferir.

Every day more changed, open minded and happy!

Phrases for photos alone pensive - song excerpts

Playful even seriously, an open book full of mysteries - Melim

My Lifestyle Frees My Mind - Charlie Brown Jr.

You know very well what you want, you know where you're going - Azzy

Live according to what comes, only need what I have! - Band of the Sea

It's in the rain to get wet and in life to get lost - Silva

The best of life is free - Marcelo Jeneci

I just want the light of life… - AnaVitoria

And that wide smile of yours is poetry... - Lourena

Freedom in his mind, light the waves he passes… - Felipe Ret

Let me play at being happy! - Los Hermanos

I'm mine, mine alone, and not for anyone - Legião Urbana

Seeking a new direction that makes sense in this crazy world... - Charlie Brown Jr.

When you go to see the sunrise, call me - Ponto de Equilíbrio

Closed body and open mind - Pineapple

Yesterday I learned that tomorrow is another day! - Lu and Roberto

Nothing I was clothes me now - Maria Gadú

There are flowers in everything I see - Titans

Free is what she most wanted to be - Tiago Iorc

She carries that sparkle in her eyes... - Projota

I don't need to position myself or convince you, I just need to be! - Sandy

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