Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

Do you want to get a navel piercing, but many doubts and questions pop into your head? Jewelry is an option for a feminine look, but of course there are precautions to be taken before performing an intervention on your body. Keep an eye on the tips below before making your decision.

Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care
Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

American actress Vanessa Wudgens loves wearing a navel piercing and is always showing off her jewelry on different occasions:

Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

Does navel piercing hurt?

The navel piercing must be placed in a professional studio, with adequate material and an experienced professional. This will already greatly reduce the discomfort when performing the procedure.

Pain, on the other hand, is a very relative matter. Most people say they do feel a little pain, but nothing you can't handle. There are also those who guarantee that they did not feel any pain!

A few hours after placement and asepsis, it is common to feel discomfort and burning in the region. That's where care is essential to avoid complications.

Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care
Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

Necessary care after placement of navel piercing

When you get a belly button piercing, complete healing can take weeks or even months, depending on how it was placed and its ability to heal. Therefore, it is necessary to take some precautions to avoid inflammation and local pain.

Clean thoroughly during the bath and remove any crusts that may form around the puncture. Then pass an antiseptic with cotton. Avoid handling the area or wearing clothes that are too tight that could rub against the jewelry.

And always remember to wash your hands before picking up the piercing and not to remove it before one year of placement so as not to harm healing. Avoid bathing in the sea or swimming pool during healing to avoid local infections.

You will also need to be careful with food. Avoid meat, a lot of fat and heavy foods that have a slower digestion. Increase your consumption of vegetables rich in zinc, calcium and potassium.

If the place still inflames, you should clean it well and avoid moving the belly area too much. If it does not improve, immediately seek the help of a dermatologist to avoid a local infection.

Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care
Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care
Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

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How much does it cost to get a navel piercing?

There are values ​​for all pockets. If this is your first piercing, use stainless steel jewelry. It will heal better than nickel or plastic jewelry.

There are studios that do the procedure for values ​​from 50 reais. The cheapest jewels are around 15 reais. But of course there are the most precious ones that can reach a thousand reais or more.

Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

Navel piercing during pregnancy

It is not recommended to wear a navel piercing during pregnancy. It can cause a distention in the orifice, in addition to increasing the appearance of stretch marks. From the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, the woman will be more likely to have distensions in the belly region.

The ideal is to remove the jewel before becoming pregnant, to prevent any inflammatory process that may occur from disturbing the pregnancy and leave it in storage to replace it after your physical form returns to what it was before.

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Different types of navel piercing

traditional piercing

The traditional model is positioned at the top of the navel. In general, its shape is that of a banana (as it is called) with a jewel on each end.

Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

inverted piercing

It is positioned at the bottom of the navel. The most traditional model is also the banana one with jewels on both ends.

Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

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double piercing

There are two piercings, one superior and one inverted at the same time, giving the effect that the jewel is double.

Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

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Piercing surface

When you drill a hole in the horizontal direction. It is usually combined with a traditional piercing.

Navel piercing: all the necessary information and essential care

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