How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process

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23 How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process

Some products and tips can make your nail polish dry faster

How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process

Make thin layers with the nail polish so that it dries faster.

How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process

The drying oil also protects your nails from residue and dents.

How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process

The cool jet of the spray will make the nail polish dry faster than other products.

How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process

Don't blow your nails! This can create the dreaded bumps.

How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process

Putting your fingers in cold water after applying the nail polish will speed up the drying of the product.

How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process How to make nail polish dry faster? Learn tricks to speed up this process

You've had your nail done for a while and it hasn't dried yet? It happens, diva. The problem is that while the enamel is wet, many movements are limited. After all, no one wants to mess up their manicure the same day it was done. But do not worry! Some tips will help you on your mission to make your nails dry faster. Want to know what they are? Continue reading the article.

Thin coats make nail polish dry faster

For the enamel to dry faster, the work begins at the time of application. The more product is on your nails, the longer it takes to dry. So bet on thin layers. In addition to speeding up drying, this also prevents balls from appearing and the nail polish peels off easily.

Check out the tip: some nail polish brands dry faster than others. And it has nothing to do with costing more! Find your favorite in this category.

Drying oil helps protect your nails

The drying oil is that almost automatic step at the end of the manicure. The product has many more functions than you might think. In addition to helping to dry the enamel, it will hydrate the cuticles and protect your nail from hair and hair, for example. The oil can leave your hand a little sticky, so touching your phone while waiting for it to dry is not practical for the touch screen.

Spray is the product that accelerates drying

Of the products that exist for this function, the spray is the one that most speeds up the drying process. It is a cold jet that will make the top layer of nails very hard and dry faster. The downside is that the spray can take some of the shine off the nail polish. If you are not bothered by this, bet on the product.

Cold water will help the nail dry faster.

Have you noticed that nail polish dries faster in winter? This is because the environment is cooler, which speeds up drying. Using that logic, a great trick for nail polish to dry faster is using cold water. After painting your nails, dip your fingertips into a bowl of ice water for about three minutes. You will see that it will come out dry.

Don't try this trick by putting your fingernails under the faucet. The water pressure can be too strong and ruin your work.

Don't blow your nails, diva!

When the nail is still wet, it makes you want to blow it dry, doesn't it? Hold that momentum, diva. Blowing your nails can make those little balls appear that nobody wants. So, if you're in a hurry and want your nail polish to dry faster, try our other tips.

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