How to do the hair porosity test? Know how to identify yours and invest in specific treatments for your hair


19/ How to do the capillary porosity test? Know how to identify yours and invest in specific treatments for your hair How to do the hair porosity test? Know how to identify yours and invest in specific treatments for your hair

The cup test will show you if your hair porosity is low, medium/normal or high

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How to do the hair porosity test? Know how to identify yours and invest in specific treatments for your hair

Niely Gold Powerful Reconstruction Concentrated Mask 430g


Capillary porosity is what defines how much our strand can absorb water and substances from the products we use on our hair. She can be high, medium or low and each one must be cared for with specific treatments such as hydration, nutrition and reconstruction. To find out what level yours is at, you can do a super simple test at home using just one glass. 

Step by step of the hair porosity test 

You will only need a glass, water and just a single thread. No need to rip it out of your head! Just brush the locks and pick up any that fall out during brushing or even when it gets stuck in the accessory. It is important that your hair is clean on the day of the test. 

Place the thread in a glass filled with filtered water and wait for 10 minutes. To identify if your porosity is low, medium or high, check each topic (remember that it is also illustrated in our gallery):

- String sank into the cup = high porosity.

- Strand did not sink and stayed in the middle of the glass = average porosity.

- Thread floated and stayed on top of the glass = low porosity.

High, medium or low: the treatment for each type of porosity 

Everyone thinks that having low porosity is the best situation, but this is not the case. When the hair is not at all porous, it is much more difficult to absorb water or any treatment, because the hair cuticles are completely closed. 

The ideal is to have medium porosity, which we consider healthy hair. Each type needs a specific treatment, so pay attention to our tips:

High porosity hair: very damaged and porous strands need rebuilding. You can do the treatment with the concentrated mask or with the liquid keratin. 

Medium porosity hair: the threads are healthy and able to absorb water and treatments. To keep them that way, focus on nutrition. It can be done with the concentrated mask or with a neat capillary wetting. 

Low porosity hair: when the cuticles are very closed, the ideal is to focus on hydration. The tip is to wash the hair with lukewarm water so that the scales open and help the penetration of the product.

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