How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment?


27 How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment? How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment?

With the onset of summer, some bodily issues that did not draw attention during the year begin to appear more, such as stretch marks

How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment?

The most common reasons for the appearance of stretch marks are stretching of the skin, which can happen during growth or pregnancy.

How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment?

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is important to have a diet rich in collagen and proteins, drink plenty of fluids and keep the skin always hydrated with oils and creams.

How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment?

The practice of sports, bodybuilding, sudden weight gain or loss can also be responsible for the appearance of stretch marks.

How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment?

There are several techniques capable of helping to remove stretch marks, such as massages with oils, exfoliations with oats, wheat or cornmeal, homemade avocado creams with aloe vera and even aesthetic procedures.

How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment?

What really makes the difference in treatments against stretch marks is the patience to always maintain the same frequency, because the results take time, but they come

How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment? How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment? How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment? How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment? How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment? How to get rid of white stretch marks with home treatment?

With the onset of summer, some bodily issues that did not draw attention during the year begin to appear more, as is the case with stretch marks. These stripes appear when skin fibers break down, but you don't have to focus on getting rid of them at all costs. Stretch marks are not villains and it's okay to choose to live with the blessed ones. However, if you don't like to keep them and are looking for a homemade treatment to soften the appearance of your stretch marks and put an end to them, come with us!

How stretch marks appear and how to prevent them

Stretch marks appear on the skin when there is a break in the fibers that hold the tissue together and this can happen for a number of reasons. Understanding the reasons that lead to the appearance of these cracks can help you to prevent them, since it is much easier to prevent them from happening than to cure them. The most common reasons for its appearance are skin stretching, which can happen during growth, pregnancy, sports or bodybuilding, and sudden weight gain or loss.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is important to have a diet rich in collagen and proteins, drink plenty of fluids and keep the skin always hydrated with oils and creams. In this way, the skin fibers will be stronger and will not easily break, preventing the formation of stretch marks.

What is the difference between white and red stretch marks?

Another common doubt about stretch marks is due to their coloring, which can appear in two ways, white or red. Red ones tend to appear a lot during pregnancy and are nothing more than newly formed stretch marks. The dark coloration appears due to the presence of blood flow in the affected region, which increases the chances of healing of the site in a shorter time. White ones represent old stretch marks and without blood circulation and are therefore considered more difficult to remove.

Homemade recipe against stretch marks with aloe vera and olive oil

There are several techniques capable of helping to remove stretch marks, such as massages with oils, exfoliations with oats, wheat or cornmeal, homemade avocado creams with aloe vera, among others. The list of ingredients is extensive and what really makes the difference in these treatments is the patience to always maintain the same frequency, because the results take time, but they arrive. Follow the step-by-step recipe for aloe vera and olive oil that acts directly on skin regeneration and reproduce it at home!

1st step: Open an aloe vera leaf in half and remove the center part, where the gel is.

2st step: in a container mix the aloe vera gel with two tablespoons of olive oil.

3st step: mix the contents well and apply on clean skin with a light massage for a few minutes.

4st step: repeat the process twice a day and make a new mixture daily.

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