How long do acrylic nails last? Know all about the material

makeup and nails

23/ How long does an acrylic nail last? Know all about the material How long do acrylic nails last? Know all about the material

Acrylic nails are great for anyone looking for an extension that doesn't interfere with natural nail growth.

How long do acrylic nails last? Know all about the material

Acrylic nails can be painted normally with any nail polish or nail art.

How long do acrylic nails last? Know all about the material

It is important to respect the time indicated by the professional for the maintenance of acrylic nails.

How long do acrylic nails last? Know all about the material How long do acrylic nails last? Know all about the material How long do acrylic nails last? Know all about the material

Acrylic nails are very popular among those who are on top of innovations in the world of manicure. The stretching technique is nothing new, but there are many doubts and myths about acrylic and some girls still don't know how the method works. Acrigel is a mixture of gel and acrylic powder, which is added to the tips of natural nails to increase length and help protect them from daily friction. Come check out all the benefits and curiosities of acrigel, diva!

The acrigel method is indicated for those with fragile nails

This type of stretching is recommended for those who cannot let their nails grow because they suffer from weak nails or constant breakage. Acrylic does not damage nails as it leaves free space for them to grow and breathe. Its action is more like a make-up, because the appearance will be of a healthy appearance.

That way, when you remove the implants, or tips as they are also known, the result will be strong and resistant nails. However, for this it is necessary to respect the right maintenance time indicated by the professional responsible for the procedure. The first application usually lasts around an hour and the total duration of the nails is two to three months. And repairs are usually done every 15 days.

Know what to do to avoid problems with acrylic nails

There are some precautions that extend the useful life of acrylic nails. The first tip is never to remove the gel at home, do all the maintenance or removal of the extensions with a professional. Thus, your nails will be protected from any error that could harm them. To use cleaning products or handle any harsh chemicals, wear protective gloves.

The next suggestion is about nail polish, with acrylic it is possible to paint with any nail polish and do nail arts normally. But, when it's time to take it all off, opt for nail polish removers and avoid acetone. Lastly, be careful not to bump the stretches and they will last longer.

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