Flaking scalp or dandruff: how to tell the difference between the two?


10/ Flaking scalp or dandruff: how to tell the difference between the two? Flaking scalp or dandruff: how to tell the difference between the two?

Dandruff is a natural flaking of the scalp, but the region can also peel because of the sun.

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Flaking scalp or dandruff: how to tell the difference between the two?

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Those who have dandruff know how uncomfortable it is to touch your hair and get it full of white dots scattered throughout your clothes. It is mainly caused by excessive oiliness in the scalp, which causes natural peeling in the region. However, those little balls aren't always a sign of dandruff - your scalp could be peeling because of the sun, you know? Check out the tips from Fica Diva so you don't get confused!

Dandruff is caused by oil buildup at the root.

Excessive oiliness on the scalp happens for different reasons. In addition to natural causes, in which the person produces a lot of oil in the region, the frequency of washing, the incorrect use of hair products or even emotional issues can also cause natural peeling.

In addition, there are two types of dandruff: oily, in which the root undergoes flaking, but it is "stuck" in the scalp, or even dry, in which the white dots detach from the root and are spread over the length of the hairs. wires or even on clothes.

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Scalp exfoliation minimizes the appearance of dandruff

If your situation is critical and causing discomfort, such as itching and irritation, be sure to look for a specialized professional to take care of your case. But if you've noticed that your dandruff is milder and appears sporadically, it's worth betting on exfoliation to minimize the problem.

You can use natural green clay or make a mixture of sugar and aloe vera to take care of the area. In addition, white vinegar also has antifungal action, doing a good cleaning at the root. But you have to mix the product with water, ok?


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The sun can make your scalp peel

However, those loose dots don't always mean you have dandruff, especially if you don't tend to have very oily hair. In the summer, when it's very hot and sunny, you may have your scalp peeling, as happens to your skin when you forget to apply sunscreen.

In that case, the tip is to invest in products specific to your hair type and that have sun protection in the formula. Also, if you're going to enjoy the day at the beach or pool, don't forget to wear a hat or cap to avoid direct contact with the sun's rays.

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