Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks


08/ Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks

Stretch marks are caused by the breakdown of skin fibers.

Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks

Some factors contribute to the emergence of pimples, such as pregnancy, weight loss and gain, and even the practice of sports.

Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks

If you want to minimize stretch marks, you can bet on the homemade mixture of aloe vera and olive oil.

Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks

The gel contained in the aloe vera leaf is rich in collagen, which brings more firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks

Extra virgin olive oil, on the other hand, is very suitable for nourishing the skin.

Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks

Apply the aloe vera cream with olive oil twice a day for faster results.

Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks Aloe vera cream to treat stretch marks: homemade recipe to help remove marks

Stretch marks form on the body when skin fibers break, for different reasons - pregnancy or the accordion effect on the body are some of them. In addition, they can become more reddish or whiter, depending on the training time. In both cases, it is possible to minimize the striped appearance with a homemade aloe vera and olive oil cream. To learn more about the benefits and learn the recipe, keep reading the article.

Why can stretch marks be red or white?

It's okay to have stretch marks and many women have learned to live with theirs. However, not everyone knows how to deal with the look, even more so when these stripes have different colors, such as red and white.

This coloring varies according to the time of formation of stretch marks and the lack of blood circulation in the affected region. Newly formed stretch marks are more reddish and this means that they still have blood flow. The whitest stretch marks are the oldest ones, in which the blood no longer circulates.

Aloe vera and olive oil are perfect for minimizing stretch marks

The good news is that aloe vera is great for fighting stretch marks, even the whitest ones. Of course, the result also depends a lot on the frequency of treatment, so if you want to get rid of the stripes, don't hesitate.

The gel contained in the aloe vera leaf has a lot of collagen, which is precisely the substance that the skin needs to have more elasticity and firmness. Combined with extra virgin olive oil, this mixture regenerates the skin's fibers, nourishing it deeply.

Learn the recipe for aloe vera and olive oil cream for stretch marks

The recipe is simple and you will only need 1 large aloe vera leaf and 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Before applying, wash the affected area well and dry it with a clean towel. Shall we check the recipe?

1 th step: wash the aloe vera leaf well. Then, open the sheet and remove all the gel contained inside it and place it in a container.

2 th step: add the olive oil in the pot and mix well, until you form a cream.

3 th step: apply the mixture to clean skin, making circular movements with your fingertips until all the cream is absorbed. No need to rinse.

Attention for a #friendtip: apply the cream twice a day to ensure satisfactory results. And more: take good care of your diet, drink plenty of water and don't forget to keep your skin always hydrated!

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