Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!


18/ Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands! Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!

Reconstruction with apple cider vinegar helps to recover chemically damaged hair

Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!

Apple cider vinegar aligns the cuticles and keeps the hair hydrated

Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!

Liquid keratin and hydration cream complement the reconstruction with apple cider vinegar

Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!

To do the rebuild, apple cider vinegar needs to be diluted with water

Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!

If your strands are very elastic after the chemical treatment, you can reconstruct them with apple cider vinegar every 10 or 15 days.

Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!

After the appearance of the hair improves, you can increase the reconstruction interval to one month.

Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands! Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands! Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands! Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands! Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands! Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!

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Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!

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Explore Elastic hair: how to rebuild with apple cider vinegar to recover strands!

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Relaxation, progressive brushes, coloring... all of this harms the wires and demands special care. However, we only realize the damage after it's done. Therefore, if your hair is elastic and rubbery after the chemical treatment, rebuild it with apple cider vinegar. The ingredient seals the cuticles and strengthens the locks, in addition to making them more shiny and hydrated. Want to know how to do it? Check out!

Apple cider vinegar aligns the cuticle and keeps the hair hydrated

When the hair is rebellious, porous and with a strange texture, as if it were a rubber band, it means that the pH of your strands is unbalanced and the cuticles are open. As the pH of apple cider vinegar is very acidic, it closes these cuticles, aligning the hair fiber and retaining hydration.

Depending on your needs, you can rebuild with vinegar every 10 to 15 days, but only while your hair is badly damaged. As results show up, you can increase the interval to one month.

The liquid keratin and hydration mask make the treatment even more powerful.

Apple cider vinegar is already quite an ally to combat dryness and the elastic aspect of the hair, but together with liquid keratin and hydration cream, it gets even better. That's because keratin restores lost hair mass and protects highlights against future chemical damage. It is so powerful that it can even be used when bleaching hair, to shield it from the aggressions of bleaching powder.

The benefits of moisturizing cream are well known. He is the one who returns the water to the strands, gives shine and leaves the hair very soft. If you've changed the color of your hair or transformed your look, you can't leave this product out of your treatment routine.

Learn the step-by-step reconstruction process with apple cider vinegar

For this recipe, as we've already said, you'll need apple cider vinegar, liquid keratin and your favorite moisturizing mask. But vinegar is not to be applied pure to the hair! The tip is to mix 25ml of the homemade ingredient with 100ml of filtered water, agreed? See how easy it is step by step:

1 th step: gently wash your hair with salt-free shampoo and then remove excess water with a towel.

2 th step: divide the hair into sections and spray the liquid keratin on each one. Let the product act for 10 minutes.

3 th step: after the pause time, apply the hydration mask - without rinsing the keratin - and let the products act for another 20 minutes.

4 th step: rinse your hair well without leaving any residue and, again, remove excess water with a towel.

5 th step: apply the mixture made with apple cider vinegar and water, strand by strand, and let it act for 15 minutes. Afterwards, just rinse, apply the conditioner and finish as usual!

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