Elastic hair: tips to end rubbery strands

Does your hair look dry, brittle and a bubblegum effect? This indicates that your hair is probably elastic and damaged. But calm down, you've come to the right place! Here we will explain everything to save the health of your locks and get rid of the rubbery effect with simple and efficient treatments. Come check it out.

Elastic hair: tips to end rubbery strands

What is elastic hair?

All healthy hair has an elasticity, this works as a protection for the strands, preventing them from breaking easily.

The problem is when the hair strands have a bubblegum effect when stretched, it means that they are overly elastic. This is not favorable for the health of our hair, as the strands are susceptible to breakage.

How do the wires get rubberized?

The constant use of aggressive procedures can cause damage to the hair fiber. Chemical treatments, such as straightening and discoloration, alter the pH of our hair, which causes protein loss, altering the capillary mass and leaving the strands elastic and dry.

Method to identify if the threads are elastic

Elastic strands are thin, opaque and break easily when combing. However, there is a quick method to identify if the hair is elastic. Check out:

Grab a strand of your hair and pull it with light pressure. If the strand does not return to its normal state or breaks easily, it means that the hair is elastic and needs hair reconstruction. Already if the strand stretches and goes back to normal shape, it means the hair is healthy!

Porous hair: check out treatment methods to save your locks

What to do when hair becomes elastic?

Hair reconstruction is a fundamental method for the hair care routine, mainly to save damaged and elastic hair. See more tips to apply on a daily basis and put an end to rubberized wires.

  1. Avoid chemical treatments. Give your hair time to recover nutrients and mass between procedures.
  2. Cut the ends of the hair. Performing a cut every 6 months is recommended to keep your hair healthy and without dry ends.
  3. Let the hair dry naturally. Avoid heat sources, protecting the hair from further damage.
  4. Bet on the capillary schedule in your care routine. Invest in good products and ampoules that have potent assets for weekly hydration.

Enjoy and check out more in capillary schedule: bet on this yarn recovery technique.

Check out home treatments to recover elastic hair

Reconstruction with Keratin and Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1 cabbage maca vinegar
  • 2 cabbage liquid keratin
  • 4 col. of reconstruction mask

Mix everything until smooth and apply after washing your hair. Let it act for 30 minutes and then wash and finish using conditioner.

Reconstruction with gelatin

  • 1 col. of colorless gelatin
  • 1 col. of castor oil
  • 2 col. of reconstruction mask

Mix the ingredients and apply after washing your hair evenly. After 20 minutes of action, rinse your hair and finish using conditioner.

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