Does honey lighten hair? Find out if the natural ingredient has lightening power on the wires

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12/ Does honey lighten your hair? Find out if the natural ingredient has lightening power on the wires Does honey lighten hair? Find out if the natural ingredient has lightening power on the wires

Honey is rich in vitamins that help not only moisturize but also lighten the hair.

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Does honey lighten hair? Find out if the natural ingredient has lightening power on the wires

Niely Gold Long + Strong Conditioner


To lighten your hair, you need to go to a salon and invest in a chemical procedure, or do the technique yourself at home if you're skilled. However, some natural ingredients, such as honey, help to make the strands more illuminated. Of course, this recipe doesn't work on all hair types and it won't even have a professional result, but it's worth trying the homemade mixture to get naturally lighter locks. Check out!

Honey lightens and moisturizes the hair

Honey has moisturizing and nourishing properties that are very good for the hair. It is rich in vitamin A, D and C, in addition to antioxidants, which give more strength, shine and softness to the locks. That's why the natural product is one of the most used in homemade hydration recipes.

However, just like chamomile and milk, honey also helps to lighten hair, because it contains a little carbon peroxide, a substance that acts in lightening. It is worth mentioning, of course, that the use needs to be constant so that the result becomes even more evident.

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A post shared by ROCKY (@rocky_barnes) on Aug 9, 2018 at 12:47 PM PDT

Lightening with honey is indicated for blond or streaked hair.

Another point that is important to note is that honey does not lighten overnight, nor does it work the same way on different hair types. In darker strands, lightening is very smooth and gradual, showing some reflections along the length.

As for blonde hair, the result is more noticeable and, in fact, the hair becomes much lighter with use. Those with light locks can also take advantage of honey's potential to accentuate reflections and brighten the look even more.  


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A post shared by Melissa Cuc (@melissacuc) on Sep 16, 2017 at 9:29 am PDT

Learn how to lighten your hair with honey

If you want to test the whitening power of honey, you can rest assured that the homemade recipe has no contraindications. And the best part is that you only need honey and some water for easy application. Check out the step-by-step whitening process with honey:

1 th step: mix 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of water in a container until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Water helps to dilute the honey, but if you prefer, you can also replace it with 1 spoon of conditioner.

2 th step: with damp hair, washed only with shampoo, apply the mixture to the locks, gloving well.

3 th step: Put a cap on the hair and let it act for at least 2 hours. After the pause time, rinse your hair with cold water and finish as you prefer.


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