Best hydration tips for curly hair

You already know that to leave your curls defined, loose and with volume, you need to maintain a care routine. From washing time to completion, you need to know what kind of nutrients your hair needs and what products are indicated. If you still don't know which moisturizing creams work best with your hair, try to do some tests and analyze the result for a month (some hair takes longer to adapt to the product, don't give up easily).

Best hydration tips for curly hair

Does my hair need hydration?

If even maintaining an assiduous treatment routine through the capillary schedule, your hair still looks dried up, lackluster, with frizz and it is getting pregnant easily, it's a sign that he needs more hydration.

Generally, this is the most repeated step in the capillary schedule, followed by nutrition and, less frequently, reconstruction. Many people choose to do it this way because hair loses water very easily, not just in chemical processes, but with the action of wind, sun, dryer and flat iron, pollution and other external factors common in our daily lives.

if the hair is very damaged, moisturize 2 to 3 times a week, with intervals of 48 hours. If the damage is light, 1 to 2 weekly hydrations are enough.

A very popular test to see if your hair needs hydration is to drop a strand of hair into a large glass 3/4 full of water. if the thread sink to the bottom of the glass, a sign that it's time to hydrate.

Choosing the right product (industrial and natural) to moisturize curly hair

There are thousands of products on the market offering deep hydration for the threads, but how do you know if they really fulfill their function? Since there are many options for decorating names, we will help you choose the right product through the label. That's right! Time to analyze the ingredients that exist in the hydration cream and check if they are in line with what you need.

These tips will also help you make more potent homemade hydrations. So you can choose which ingredients you want to mix to get a satisfactory and lasting result.

Botanical extracts, fruits or vitamins

Best hydration tips for curly hair

These three components are the most used in hydration because they absorb moisture, retain water in the thread and keep it hydrated, soft and malleable. For a more effective result, prefer products (or homemade mixtures) that take one or more of these ingredients, combined with others that follow.

How to use?

In this case, the ideal is to buy products that already have these components in their formula, because they are more potent when combined with other moisturizing actives. You can also add some fruit beaten in the blender to your favorite cream, such as avocado, which has strong nutritional power.

There is also the option of adding vitamin ampoules, but some hairdressers say that not all creams are compatible with ampoules and the substances end up not mixing.

Chocolate, honey or sugar

Best hydration tips for curly hair

Remember the chocolate brush fever? It's no wonder that cocoa was successful in the beauty industry, it promises softness, slight reduction in volume, shine and maintenance of yarn elasticity (because it stimulates collagen production). Honey and sugar have similar effects and the three components can be combined with each other, or with the other ingredients mentioned here.

How to use?

Honey can always be added to your hydrating mask. As it is a natural product, there are no contraindications, but be aware of the quantity. Keep the ratio of one spoon (soup) to three spoons of cream.

Sugar and chocolate are more delicate ingredients to handle, none of those from the supermarket can be used. Give preference to products that already have these ingredients in their formula.

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Best hydration tips for curly hair

This is one of the most famous assets when it comes to hydration. Not just on the hair, but on the skin. Do you know the darling Bepantol? Yeah, he has Panthenol in his formula.

D-Panthenol is a vitamin and is present in our skin and hair. It is essential for health because it helps to maintain the softness, firmness and rapid healing of the skin. In the hair, it provides long-lasting hydration, softness, shine and fights split ends.

How to use?

In cosmetics stores there is already an option to buy liquid D-Panthenol and indications for use. Generally, it is mixed with regular hydration cream to enhance the effects. If your cream already has D-Panthenol in the formula, better not add more, so as not to weigh the threads down.

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Slug (aloe vera)

Best hydration tips for curly hair

Grandma tip! Who has never heard that aloe vera is good for locks, right? This plant, so easy to find, has the power to hydrate, regenerate and help fight hair loss. It acts as a natural antioxidant.

How to use?

In addition to the products available with this active, we can make the classic application of aloe vera. Open an aloe vera leaf and knead its contents with a fork, until it becomes more pasty. Wash your hair with your usual shampoo (or anti-residue shampoo) and then (without applying conditioner) apply aloe vera over the entire length of the hair, strand by strand. Put on a plastic cap and let it act for 30 minutes. Then just proceed with the wash, removing the aloe vera and applying your favorite conditioner to help seal the cuticles.

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Best hydration tips for curly hair

Hydration with avocado: know the benefits for your hair

In addition to being good for health and skin, the high sugar and collagen content in gelatin returns shine and softness to hair. And you don't even have to spend a lot for it.

Collagen is super important, not only for elasticity, but because it retains moisture in the hair and prevents it from drying out. Sugar, in turn, has the function of sealing the cuticles, which leaves the hair shiny and protected from external agents. In addition to sugar and collagen, gelatin also has a series of amino acids with moisturizing action, such as proline and glycine.

How to use?

If you can't find gelatine-based products on the market, buy colorless gelatine and mix the powder into your favorite moisturizing cream. The ideal proportion is half a packet of gelatin for two tablespoons of moisturizing cream. If you prefer, add a small spoonful of 100% vegetable oil (such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil or castor oil).

olive butter

Best hydration tips for curly hair

A powerful ally in long-term hydration, olive butter is a product very similar to the nutrients in olive oil, and it can serve both the hydration and nutrition phase. It is nutritious, emollient, rich in antioxidants and has vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E and K.

How to use?

Olive butter is harder to find than olive oil. Generally, its cost is also higher, but on the other hand, it is easier to apply and can last for a long time, because it is not applied in large quantities. Follow the instructions for use on the label.

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