Check out tbt phrases to kill nostalgia on social networks

    Did you miss some moments and felt like sharing the good memories on social media? So run here to check out memorable phrases that are perfect captions for your #tbts.

    Check out tbt phrases to kill nostalgia on social networks

    And suddenly I missed our crazy things.

    Saudade is the feeling that remains of what did not remain.

    Life is totally unpredictable, you create many dreams but it drags you wherever you want.

    It's more than longing, it's necessity.

    Time will pass, and things will fall into place.

    We miss you a little absurd sometimes, right?

    I moved so much from time to time.

    It's a longing unlike any other.

    Nothing better than showing everyone that you were more, much more than everyone imagined.

    Check out tbt phrases to kill nostalgia on social networks

    We only miss moments that were worth it.

    That time doesn't change, longing doesn't kill and distance doesn't destroy...

    There are things that time takes, but our friendship is not one of them!

    The years go by, but my love for you only grows.

    A friendship is not made by the time it exists, but by the sincerity of feeling in it!

    I don't remember a past without you!

    Opportunities don't come back. Either you enjoy them or you regret them.

    People go, but memories stay.

    Check out tbt phrases to kill nostalgia on social networks

    I miss when I didn't miss you.

    If pictures could talk, they would tell a lot of good stories.

    And the world is so dull without you with me.

    Everything passes, but what is good and true remains.

    I wish I could relive all the good times again.

    Inside her overflows longing.

    It is the past that makes the essence.

    What was routine, today is nothing more than a simple longing.

    I keep a thousand stories.

    Check out tbt phrases to kill nostalgia on social networks

    Small moments, huge misses.

    When the longing is too much, it doesn't fit in the chest: it runs through the eyes.

    Lots of stories to tell and a lot of desire to go back in time.

    Some friendships fly by in the blink of an eye, others are made to last until you blink the last time.

    Memories are eternal treasures for the heart.

    Everything passes, but what is good and true remains.

    There are things in life that don't pass, there are moments that are not forgotten and people that are not replaced!

    About infinite happiness that lasts only a few moments.

    Since forever, forever!

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