Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

Do you want to present that wonderful friend - your best, from the heart -, but you don't want to give a conventional gift and, yes, the one that she will always remember you when she looks at it? Creative gifts can be a little extra work, after all, most of the time you'll have to get your hands dirty to prepare something very original, but the result is worth it!

Take a look at our suggestions and take the time to prepare a special memory for that little partner who will be with you for life!

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

1 - Scrapbook of memories

There's nothing like putting together a notebook filled with photos, messages and memories of the good times you and your friend have had together. Just imagine you reviewing all this content in 10 or 20 years?

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

2 - Personalized breakfast basket

None of those ordered breakfast baskets... The best thing is to put together a basket with your friend's face, putting all the food you know she will like to receive. Good morning messages are always welcome too!

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

3 - Pot of love

In this pot you will include papers in different colors with messages for her to read whenever she needs to feel good, raise her self-esteem or just remember how much she is loved by someone. A super test of friendship!

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

4 - Twin mugs

There are many places that make mugs with personalized messages. Think of that phrase that represents your friendship or that inside joke that whenever she reads it, she'll burst out laughing! And make two, one for your friend and one for you!

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

5 - Self care basket

In the day to day, there is not always time to take care of health and beauty. Prepare a basket with some delicacies and beauty products, such as an exfoliating mask, a foot bath, a vegetable sponge, scented soap, nail polish... anything you like!

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

6 - Personalized picture frame

A picture frame doesn't have to bring just one photo. It can also have lots of cute little notes to stay in a special place and always bring good memories to your friend.

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

7 - Letters and messages of encouragement

Sorority, empathy and empowerment! Every woman needs messages that lift her up from time to time. And when they come from a special person, even better. Therefore, there is no one better than you to write some messages for your friend to read when she is facing difficulties. She will remember this with great affection, you can be sure!

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

8 - Photo wall

With some manual skill, material like EVA or TNT and some clothespins it is possible to create a different and very original photo wall! Then, make a selection of the best photos of you and print. If possible, find a way to leave it in her room so she'll be surprised when she walks in!

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

9 - Friendship keychains

We carry our keys up and down, right? So, a great way to carry a sign of your friendship with you at all times is to make a friendship keychain with a photo of your friends. It's easy, inexpensive, and a really fun gift!

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

Phrases for a photo with a friend: incredible options to celebrate friendship!

10 - Bucket of goodies and messages

To brighten up a day or motivate after a difficult week, prepare a bucket full of delicacies, write some scraps and messages of encouragement and surprise your friend. This gesture of affection can be worth more than a thousand words!

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

Photos with friends: inspirations for unforgettable clicks

Bonus: Experiences

The golden tip is: don't get attached to physical gifts. We are in an era where experiences are worth much more than things. How about offering your friend an afternoon of skincare? And that wonderful walk on a trail or a waterfall you've always wanted to visit together? An afternoon at the supermarket buying delicacies and goodies to watch that favorite series of yours? Or even (why not?) the trip of a lifetime that you've always planned and never left?

Let your imagination take over and enjoy a different moment with someone you will take with you for a lifetime. After all, your friend deserves it, right?

Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend
Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend
Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend
Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend
Check out creative ideas for those who want to gift a friend

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