Aloe vera for hair loss: step by step recipe to prevent hair loss

Loss of hair

27/ Aloe vera for hair loss: step by step recipe to prevent hair loss Aloe vera for hair loss: step by step recipe to prevent hair loss

The benefits of aloe can be essential in the fight against hair loss

Aloe vera for hair loss: step by step recipe to prevent hair loss

Adding the recipe with aloe vera and rosemary oil in the cleaning step strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss

Aloe vera for hair loss: step by step recipe to prevent hair loss

It is important to know how to identify if the hair loss is within normal patterns.

Aloe vera for hair loss: step by step recipe to prevent hair loss Aloe vera for hair loss: step by step recipe to prevent hair loss Aloe vera for hair loss: step by step recipe to prevent hair loss

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Aloe vera for hair loss: step by step recipe to prevent hair loss

Niely Gold Miraculous Hydration Shampoo


The benefits of aloe for hair hydration are well known among those who enjoy a homemade recipe. But, did you know that the gel from this plant can help fight and prevent hair loss? The active principles of some substances in the composition of this ingredient act on the scalp, reducing and delaying hair loss. And on top of that, they still strengthen the highlights. If you suffer from excessive hair loss, come with us to check out how to use aloe vera in your treatment!

It is important to identify to what extent hair loss is normal.

The scalp releases about 100 hairs per day to be replaced by new ones. This change is part of the locks renewal cycle, so you don't have to worry if you notice some hairs on your brush or pillow in the morning. Mainly for the frizzy and curly ones that do many days of day after, when detangling the hair it can be a little scary to see so many strands trapped in the comb.

However, this is because unlike straight and wavy hair that tend to slip and fall to the floor, hair that has curvature tends to hold loose strands at their own length. So if you use the day after for more than three days, it is normal for up to 300 hairs to fall in the next wash.

Know when your problem is hair loss or breakage

The difference between the two problems is quite simple, the fall happens directly from the root and the reasons are usually lack of vitamins, hormonal or thyroid problems, stress and emotional illnesses. Already the break happens in length, the effect is directly linked to fragile and weak strands. Brittle hair can thin out and lose mass, as well as locks that suffer from hair loss, which can confuse identification. But keep in mind that in extreme cases, the best thing to do is seek the help of a dermatologist, in both cases.

Learn the step-by-step aloe vera shampoo that fights hair loss

Aloe is a plant rich in vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 and B6, in addition to being a great source of minerals and amino acids that will help strengthen your hair. Another essential property to combat hair loss is its regenerating and deep cleaning function. Used together with the shampoo, the ingredient will eliminate any reserve of fat and oiliness that is clogging your pores.

That way the hair will have a free way to grow. The addition of rosemary oil helps boost the recipe and is important for stimulating growth. Come follow this wonderful step by step, diva!

1st step: separate three to four aloe vera leaves, wash them and remove the gel with the help of a spoon.

2st step: Blend the gel in a blender to achieve a texture that mixes easily with the shampoo.

3st step: in a container mix 300 ml of transparent shampoo with the gel and a tablespoon of rosemary oil.

4st step: shake well before applications and use aloe shampoo only twice a week, interspersing use with a normal shampoo.

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