Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny


11/ Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make hair shiny Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny

The shine bath revitalizes the color of the highlights while moisturizing (Photo: Instagram @murielvillera)

Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny

The shine bath helps to revive the color, in addition to leaving the strands very shiny and soft (Photo: Instagram @marianna_hewitt)

Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny

The shine bath with toner is ideal for those who usually dye their hair with permanent color (Instagram @wellahairuki)

Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny

Evaluate whether it is necessary to touch up the root before doing the hair shine bath (Instagram @magdelinebaye)

Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny

For the gloss bath to have the desired result, it is important to pay attention to the numbering of the shade (Instagram @annahartmakeup)

Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny

diva tip

Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny

Miraculous Hydration Mask

Explore Homemade shine bath: how to prepare a recipe to make your hair shiny

Niely Gold Absolute Shine Deep Hydration 430g


Anyone who dyes their hair knows that, even hydrating the strands frequently, the color can fade and lose its luminosity after a while, even hydrating the strands frequently. In addition, divas who do not use color are also targets of opacity when the hair is dry. In both cases, the homemade shine bath is the ideal solution to regain the mirrored shine of the strands, giving way to vibrant and revitalized hair.

And did you know that a shine bath is also a great way to take care of your hair's health? This treatment helps hydrate, nourish and even restore hair vitamins! Learn step-by-step on how to make a powerful hair shine bath!

Find out what a glow bath is

The shine bath is a treatment capable of revitalizing your hair color while hydrating it, resulting in healthy, shiny and soft strands. Most of the time, it is made from a combination of a tonalizer - ammonia-free coloring - and a treatment mask, but it is also possible to carry out the treatment in other ways. You can, for example, enhance your shine bath by adding vegetable oil. Another option is to change the toner and mask for aloe vera.


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Bet on the toner to make the shine bath on colored hair 

For the divas who usually dye their hair, the step by step of the shine bath is the one that involves the tonalizer, as the ammonia-free coloring is perfect to give luminosity without harming the capillary health.

It is worth mentioning that, before doing the shine bath with the tonalizer, it is important to assess whether it is necessary to retouch the root first. If it is darker than the rest of the strands, the result of the treatment can further highlight the difference between tones. With that resolved, just move on to the glitter bath!

How to choose the color of the toner for the glitter bath?

One of the most important parts of the shine bath with ammonia-free paint is choosing the color of the toner. To achieve the desired result and avoid possible stains, the tip is to invest in a toner with the same number as the paint that was previously applied or similar to the current color of your hair. We brought the colorimetry table to help you:

1.0 - Black

2 - Very dark brown

3.0 - Dark brown

4.0 - Brown

5.0 - Light brown

6.0 - Dark Blonde

7.0 - Blonde

8.0 - Light blonde

9.0 - Very light blonde

10.0 - Very light blonde

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Step by step on how to do a hair shine bath

  • Step 1: mix the toner the same color or darker than your strands with half of the revealing cream;

  • Step 2: add 3 tablespoons of a treatment mask and 2 drops of vegetable oil in a plastic container;

  • Step 3: wash the hair only with shampoo and with the strands damp and divided into locks, apply the mixture all over the hair using the protection glove;

  • Step 4: after 30 minutes, rinse the strands well with cold water and finish as usual.

  • Aloe vera is rich in hair vitamins and perfect for a homemade shine bath.

    For divas who don't dye their hair and don't intend to use any type of hair color, aloe vera is a great ingredient to make a homemade shine bath. You can bet on a treatment mask that has the regenerating action of aloe vera extract, such as Niely Gold's Miraculous Hydration Mask

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In addition to the shine bath, invest in other care to keep your hair beautiful and healthy.

It doesn't matter if your strands are colored or natural: frequent care is also responsible for the beautiful and shiny appearance, as this is the result of healthy hair. Bet on a capillary schedule for your hair type and maintain the treatment of the strands even when they are not damaged: this way you guarantee that they will remain that way for longer. The shine bath, both with the toner and with the aloe vera, can replace hydration as part of your hair schedule routine.

Posted on: 31

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