What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh?

makeup and nails

16 What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh? What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh?

When the nail breaks close to the flesh it is a desperate situation for any woman.

What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh?

Do not pull the nail, use the scissors and file to even out the length

What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh?

In some cases, using homemade tricks to patch your nails helps to disguise the broken piece.

What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh?

Eating habits and even chemicals used on a daily basis weaken nails.

What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh?

Homemade recipes help strengthen nails

What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh?

After cutting the broken nail, wash it using soap and water

What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh? What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh? What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh? What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh? What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh? What to do when the nail breaks in the flesh?

One of the greatest tragedies in a woman's life is to let the nail grow for days and, in seconds, see it break. In some cases it is possible to save the length of the area, but when the nail breaks in the flesh, in addition to the wound that can be caused by the impact, the appearance is not so nice. But what should be done in these cases? Cut? Patch up? Calm! Stay Diva will help you with this drama!

Don't pull the nail so you don't hurt your skin

No seeing that the nail is cracked and tearing off the part that came off, as this ends up damaging the area even more. The right thing is for you to cut the nail and, with a sandpaper, match the size of the finger tips. When you get close to the meat, sand it lightly, so you don't end up hurting yourself and you don't feel pain.

Wash your hands thoroughly after cutting your nails

As with any wound, it's important that you wash the area thoroughly with soap and water. This will make the region free of dirt and germs, which can make your nail inflamed. After doing the hygiene, you can apply a remedy that helps with healing, if you have opened any wounds.

Patching the nail helps to maintain the length of the region for a longer period of time.

Using homemade tricks to fix nail cracks is one of the best solutions. Not always when the nail breaks it is necessary to completely cut the nails. You can use some homemade recipes to get your nail in perfect shape again.

Why do nails break?

The nail breaks because it is weakened, that is, you need solutions that can improve the resistance of the fingertip. Normally, weakening comes from eating habits, even from some chemicals that you use in your daily life, such as detergent, for example.

Learn how to make your nails stronger

There are some solutions, among them are the homemade recipes that are hit and miss for problems like that. Did you know that garlic helps strengthen your nails? Or that a good mixture of orange, almond oil and sugar can make your nails even more resistant? Not? So run to make these recipes, diva!

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