What is nude? Meet the sponge that defines the curls of men's curly hair

Frizzy hair

What is nude? Meet the sponge that defines the curls of men's curly hair What is nude? Meet the sponge that defines the curls of men's curly hair

The nudread is a very quick and practical type of texturing that defines curly hair in less than two minutes

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What is nude? Meet the sponge that defines the curls of men's curly hair

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Owners of frizzy and curly hair are always on the lookout for new types of treatments and ways to style their locks. Abusing textures is a great way to change the look of type 4 or 5 threads on a daily basis. And in addition to the known methods, such as bigudinhos, dedoliss or bantu knots, you can also rely on nudread. This technique is well known among men who have curly hair and can also work for girls who have just had a big chop. Want to know more about nudreads? Come with us and learn another way to define your frizz!

Understand how nudreads work

Before jumping into this new type of texturing, you first need to understand how it works, right diva? For those unfamiliar with nudreads, they're almost halfway between dreadlocks and fingerings. The technique is done with the help of a pointed sponge, the nudreds sponge, which forms small rolls and leaves the end result very similar to that of dreads. But, you don't have to worry because this texturization doesn't tangle or damage your hair.

A post shared by Twists Sponge (@twists_sponge) on Jul 24, 2018 at 8:29 am PDT

Find out which hair types are best suited for nudreading

Despite being better known for curly hair, those with curls can also take a chance on this finish. The only restriction is the length, as texturing works best on shorter hair. Therefore, men and women who are starting to cultivate their black power, or who have just done the big chop, are the best suited to reproduce nudreads.

A post shared by Twists Sponge (@twists_sponge) on May 24, 2018 at 7:03 AM PDT

Learn step by step to define curly hair with the nudread technique

The best part about this type of texturing is that it takes advantage of the natural texture of curly hair. The intention of nudreads is not to leave a perfect curl, the objective is a defined but stripped look. The frizz here is not going to be a villain, it is of great help for the technique to work well. With this method, you won't have to fight with the natural characteristics of your type 4 or 5 hair.

1st step: wash the wires and undo the knots during the bath. Then let the locks dry completely.

2st step: before starting texturizing, with the locks dry, use a fork comb or a wide-tooth comb to make the strands even more detangled and voluminous.

3st step: Take the nudred sponge and apply it to your hair in a circular motion.

4st step: when you've formed the curls all over your hair, your texturing is ready!

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