Watercolor tattoo: break all the myths about the technique

Did you know that the art of making watercolors is over two thousand years old? The technique that passed to the skin giving rise to the watercolor tattoo may be old, but it is the hype of the moment. Getting tattoos with the watercolor effect is something that has been booming for the last five years and is not a passing fad.

Debunking all the myths!

The main differential of the style is in the way it is traced on the skin. With fluid designs, watercolor tattoos have a brush effect and look like they were hand-painted on your skin. Popular on social media, the form of tattooing has come to life and is one of the most popular at the moment. Even because, practically any drawing can be turned into watercolor.

Even so, the tattoo style raises many questions among fans. So, to answer them and even break some common myths, we've separated a series of frequently asked questions about watercolor tattoos below!

Watercolor tattoo: break all the myths about the technique

Is it mixed with water?

A lot of people fall into this common mistake, because watercolor is basically paint diluted with water. But no, the tattoo doesn't take water in the process, just for cleaning the place at checkout.

The watercolor tattoo is done with normal tattoo ink and special types of needles to simulate the effect. It is also for this reason that it is good to bet on a good studio with an excellent tattoo artist.

Do you mix paints to achieve that effect?

It is not always necessary to mix different tones. Sometimes the effect is obtained with the same tone, but diluted in white paint, in order to obtain clearer nuances. Of course, with the mixture of inks, the tattoo becomes more appealing and colorful.

However, the more colors you insert into your tattoo, the more expensive it can be. Think carefully about the design and remember to ask all these questions to your tattoo artist too!

Does it fade more easily?

It depends. All tattoos tend to fade over time. Colored ones, regardless of whether they have a watercolor effect or not, fade more. This is because some colors don't look good on all skin types. That's what that come-back-to-touch-up period is for.

But in general, if you take care of your tattoo properly, you won't see it fade anytime soon. It is necessary to avoid the sun completely in the first month and then it is necessary to use high-quality and high-protection sunscreen. Being careful about exposure times is also crucial, as midday tends to have more UV rays.

And don't forget those care in the first few days, with ointment and no gym, see?!

Watercolor tattoo: break all the myths about the technique

Of course it can be black and gray!

Of course you can do black and gray watercolor tattoo. The effect gets even cooler! However, not every tattoo artist works with this style. And the opposite is also true: watercolor tattoo without black line, only with colors. I can't say which of the two I think is more fantastic!

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Does it hurt more than others?

And if you're wondering if it hurts more, know that it doesn't make that much of a difference. What can hurt the most is your pocket, as tattoos of this style tend to be a little more expensive. After all, not just anyone can imitate the effect of paper watercolor on their skin.

Therefore, if you intend to get a tattoo of this type, look for a good professional, check out his previous work and clear all your doubts before venturing out. Tattoo pain depends more on the location you choose than the type of tattoo you want to get. If it's your first time, choose places where the pain is more controlled, such as arms, neck and back. Avoid ribs, under breasts and legs to avoid pain.

Watercolor tattoos to escape the clichés

Is it more expensive?

Sometimes yes. Values ​​may vary according to tattoo artists. Of course, the more famous your tattoo artist, the more expensive your tattoo will be. A more experienced and well-known professional is more demanding. However, it is also worth remembering that cheap is expensive. Not always the person who will charge you the least is the one who will do the best work.

It's up to you to decide how much you want to invest and what type of professional you prefer.

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Can you do this on black skin?

Certainly! However, many professionals will tell you no. Unfortunately, tattooing in general is still an activity with a lot of taboo and prejudice. Many tattoo artists are afraid of tattooing black skin or dark skin. The question has a lot to do with the colors, which change according to your skin tone or do not adhere to any skin.

If you really want a colorful tattoo, don't give up. You can get a nice effect on any skin type. Maybe you just need to rethink the colors to use, because some might not even show up on your dermis. It is important, in this case, to seek a professional with more experience in the subject and who has already done other work with black skin.

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