How to remove cracks from feet in 3 steps

How to remove cracks from feet in 3 steps

Our feet always carry all the weight of our body and live in contact with dust, friction, wind and dirt. Therefore, we must pay special attention to the care of them to avoid those cracks that mainly leave our heels looking ugly and neglected.

Want to know how to remove cracks from your feet in just 3 steps? Check out some tips to solve and put an end to this nuisance!

In addition to everyday friction, there are genetic factors and diseases that can be related to cracked feet. The most common are vascular problems, diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism and psoriasis.

In more severe cases, they can even bleed and become a gateway for bacteria into the body. Therefore, it is worthwhile to seek a dermatologist doctor who will indicate the best treatment.

To avoid cracked feet, you should balance the type of shoes you wear. Do not wear only open shoes, which expose your feet, nor always wear closed shoes or shoes with socks, which do not let the skin breathe. In this case, balance is the best solution!

3 steps to get rid of cracked feet

1 - Make a scalded foot

How to remove cracks from feet in 3 steps
Via Pinterest

Fill a basin with about 10 centimeters of warm water (but not too much!), add a few drops of lemon and a tablespoon of moisturizer of your daily use. Mix well and let your feet soak for about 10 to 15 minutes. This will help open the skin pores.

2 - Remove excess skin

How to remove cracks from feet in 3 steps

After the footbath, dry your feet well to avoid the appearance of fungus. If the skin is too thick, use sandpaper or pumice stone to remove excess skin. But you must make gentle movements so as not to further injure the heel or the side of the toes.

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3 - Moisturize your feet

How to remove cracks from feet in 3 steps

The last step is to moisturize your feet. You can use a very thick body moisturizer or even a specific foot moisturizer. But there are also homemade options that are great solutions:

  • Two tablespoons of coconut oil mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric.
  • One tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of olive oil and a little water.
  • Two tablespoons of petroleum jelly with a few drops of lemon juice.
  • After massaging your feet well, put on a sock and leave it on overnight.

Castor oil: know the benefits for your body.

Extra tip:

Another fundamental hydration tip for healthier skin is to increase your water intake and reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption, which accelerate dehydration.

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