Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you

makeup and nails

10 Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you

Brittle nails are part of everyday life for many women.

Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you

Aloe vera is great for hair, skin and also for nails.

Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you

Although it doesn't leave a pleasant smell, garlic helps in nail growth.

Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you

Cut an onion in half, make a hole in the middle and let your nails rest there for 15 minutes.

Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you

Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly after doing the garlic and onion techniques.

Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you

Doing these nail treatments, you will notice a good improvement

Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you Want to harden your nails and prevent breakage? 3 homemade recipes to help you

Weak and brittle nails are part of many women's everyday life. Nothing worse than waiting for the nail to grow and, with a simple bump into something, seeing it break or chip. But thankfully there are homemade recipes that make all the difference when it comes to taking care of your fingertips. Let's rock the manicure with the strongest nails, my friend?

Use Aloe Vera to Help Harden Your Nails

Aloe vera is an excellent choice when it comes to homemade recipes. It helps strengthen strands, improve the health of your face, and can also be used on your nails. This powerful plant will make them less brittle and much stronger.

For the treatment, you will need a spoonful of the gel inside the leaf and three drops of olive oil. Mix the two ingredients well, soak a cotton pad and apply it over all the nails. Let the liquid absorb and you're done. You can repeat as many times as you like.

Garlic will make your nails stronger

When you read this title, you already thought about the smell that will remain on your hands after doing this treatment, right? But trust us, you won't be disappointed! This unusual ingredient will strengthen your nails and make them healthier. Just chop a clove of garlic, put it in a bowl of water and dip your fingers in it for 20 minutes. Wash your hands well and preferably with a good-smelling soap. 

How about a raw onion to strengthen your nails?

If you didn't like the idea of ​​putting garlic on your nails, we already warned you that this homemade recipe doesn't have a very pleasant smell either. In addition to being an excellent seasoning in food, onion is a great nail strengthener.

To have healthy nails, just cut an onion in half, make a hole in the middle and leave your nails there for 15 minutes. After the break time, wash your hands well, but it is very likely that the smell will still be impregnated on your skin, so do not do the treatment if you have any appointments soon after. Your nails are going to look amazing, diva!

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