Turban: how to make it, how to tie it, which cloth to choose... Clear all your doubts about the accessory!


17/ Turban: how to make it, how to tie it, which cloth to choose... Get all your questions answered about the accessory! Turban: how to make it, how to tie it, which cloth to choose... Clear all your doubts about the accessory!

The choice of fabric and the correct size of the turban makes all the difference in the final result of the tying.

The turban is a very important piece of black culture and has a special place in the wardrobe of Afro-Spanish women. However, not everyone knows how to use the item on a daily basis or how to choose the right fabric to make a turban. And if you fit into this case and are also looking for tips to make varied lashings, Fica Diva will help you! It is worth mentioning that this style helps a lot those who are in hair transition to deal with the days when the two textures are out of control. So come with us to know some tricks that will make all the difference in your turbans.

To tie the turban you need to prepare your hair before

The first step in tying the turban is preparing the locks. The best hairstyle for those with curly hair is the afro puff, as the volume on top of the head will help to add height to your turban. As for curly hair, or hair that has little volume, the tip is to opt for the donut bun to give structure to the closed turban and bet on the pineapple bun when the intention is to invest in the open model. You can also style your baby hair with hair gel to make the hairstyle look cleaner and neater.

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Use other fabrics to structure your binding

If just using your hair isn't enough to get the height you're looking for, use other fabrics to structure your tie. This tip works well for those who don't have volume in their locks and also for girls who are bald or straightened. You can wear a blouse folded over the top of your head to give your turban a nicer, fuller shape. But it's also worth remembering that you can invest in lower lashings when you don't want to use this trick.

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A post shared by A Dra (@asodara) on Oct 24, 2018 at 7:05am PDT

Pay attention to the size and fabrics when buying your turban!

The simplest way to buy a turban is to go directly to a fabric store to choose your favorite cloth and pattern. In this case, it is important to bear in mind that the best size for a traditional turban is 1,80 x 0,40. With this size you will be able to replicate most of the most used lashings with ease.

It is possible to make larger turbans than this one, but remember that the more cloth, the more difficult it will be to make a good tie. And as for the most suitable fabrics, you have a lot of freedom to test the ones you like the most. But the most common are tricoline, twill and viscose. It's also good to avoid the mesh, as it can end up slipping off the head.

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