See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!


20 See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand! See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

The cut is beautiful, modern and makes the look very stylish, but having bangs takes work! The first one is to control the oiliness that accumulates on the forehead.

See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

Cutting a fringe lasts, on average, 20 days. After that, it starts to bother, it keeps falling into the eye and loses its shape.

See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

It's much more practical and economical to fix your bangs yourself than going to the salon, but be careful not to lose the line when cutting! The best thing is to look for a professional you trust

See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

Waiting for the strands to match the rest of the hair is a slow and time-consuming process. You have to be very patient!

See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

Very straight hair does not hold bobby pins and other accessories. The trick is to use a good dry shampoo to give it extra texture.

See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

With very short fringes, it is impossible to vary the hairstyles, as the length does not allow you to throw the fringe to the side, comb it back or even pin it

See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

You can skip doing anything but fixing your bangs. She won't fix herself!

See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

Getting a haircut at the salon is fine, asking a friend for help too, but when it comes to finishing, only you know what looks best.

See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand! See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand! See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand! See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand! See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand! See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand! See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand! See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

diva tip

See 8 situations that only women with bangs understand!

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Anyone who decides to cut their bangs lives in a love-hate relationship with it. The cut is beautiful, modern and makes the look very stylish, but all you have to do is wake up the next day with the strands messed up, each one going in a different direction, for you to swear you'll never cut the blessed thing again. But she looks so pretty when she's put together, doesn't she? Stay Diva separated 8 situations that only those with bangs will understand.

1 - Hello, oiliness!

If you didn't realize how greasy your hair was, wait until you cut a fringe. All the oils in your locks are concentrated there, making you shine - and not in a good way!

2 - Going to the salon becomes part of your routine

Cutting a fringe lasts, on average, 20 days. After that, it starts to bother, it keeps falling into the eye and loses its shape. That is, to keep the bangs in place, the salon practically becomes your second home.

3 - You tried to cut it yourself, but it got worse

It's much more practical and economical to do it yourself than going to the salon, but cheap is expensive. Either you get carried away and the strands end up being too small, or you don't calculate the measurements correctly and the fringe is all crooked. To avoid these hair disasters, it's best to do maintenance with your trusted hairdresser.

4 - You have to be very patient to wait for the bangs to grow

Waiting for the strands to match the rest of the hair is a process that takes a long time. Those who decide to wait need to invest in tricks so that the wires don't get in the way of vision. Staples and hairspray are best friends right now.

5 - Very straight hair does not hold accessories

Did you buy an arsenal of bobby pins to keep your bangs intact, but forgot you have straight hair? We're sorry to inform you, but these bobby pins will slip! The way is to appeal to a good dry shampoo to give extra texture.

6 - Not every hairstyle looks cool with bangs

Especially for girls with very short bangs. With this model of hair, it is impossible to vary in hairstyles, as the size does not allow throwing the fringe to the side, combing it back or even pinning it.

7 - You need to dry your bangs every time

You can skip doing anything but fixing your bangs. She won't fix herself! Some models even require it to be brushed or flat ironed. There, there is a hairdryer and flat iron!

8 - And no one fixes your hair like you!

Getting a haircut at the salon is fine, asking a friend for help too, but when it comes to finishing, only you know what looks best. You know your hair better than anyone else and have a unique way of dealing with your fringe.

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