Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair


21/ Scalp exfoliation with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair

The scalp is responsible for oil production and hair growth.

Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair

It is important to exfoliate the scalp to leave the region cleaner, without product accumulation.

Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair

When exfoliating your scalp, you need to gently massage the area with your fingertips in a circular motion.

Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair

After exfoliating your scalp, moisturize to keep your hair soft and full of shine.

Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair

The scrub can be made with a homemade sugar and aloe vera recipe.

Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair

You can also exfoliate your scalp with clay, which is also very easy to do.

Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair

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Scalp scrub with sugar and aloe vera: learn the step-by-step recipe to deeply clean your hair

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The scalp is responsible for hair growth, in addition to producing the natural oiliness of the locks. Therefore, it is important to keep the region well cared for and clean, so that nutrients penetrate the hair fiber. In that case, exfoliation is the most appropriate treatment. Learn more about the benefits of this technique and see how to exfoliate the area.

Exfoliation does a deeper cleaning of the scalp

Sun, pollution, wind and other external agents harm the health of the hair. In addition to everyday dirt, when we don't wash our hair properly, we also let residues of products accumulate, which prevents the free circulation of nutrients inside the locks.

That's why it's so important to exfoliate your scalp. The treatment, which can be done every 15 days or even once a month, will ensure a deeper cleaning of the region, eliminating any accumulated cosmetic remains. The procedure is released for all hair types, but avoid if your scalp is irritated or if you have undergone a recent chemical procedure, such as coloring or straightening.

Exfoliating the scalp stimulates hair growth

The secret of exfoliation lies in gently massaging the root so that it better absorbs the product. With this, you stimulate the blood circulation of the region, causing it to increase the amount of oxygen and, consequently, leaving the path clear for the passage of nutrients.

So, if you can't wait to show off a powerful head of hair, it's good to start taking care of your scalp now. When washing your hair, just apply the scrub all over the root and make smooth, circular movements with your fingertips, massaging well. It is also important to moisturize the hair after exfoliation, to make it shiny and softer.

Learn the recipe with sugar and aloe vera to exfoliate the scalp

To do the scrub, you don't even need to go to the salon. With the homemade sugar and aloe vera recipe, you can get clean, shiny strands right at home. Who gives the tip is blogger Julia Doorman, from Cabeças de Rainha, who has hair that needs no introduction! How about testing it on yours too?

1 th step: mix well in a container 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons of the transparent gel that comes inside the aloe vera leaf. Reserve.

2 th step: wash your hair with shampoo and then apply the homemade mixture to your scalp, gently massaging the area for 2 minutes. Then just rinse and finish as usual.

Pretty easy, isn't it? If you prefer, you can replace the sugar with cornmeal, the effect is the same. Clay exfoliation is also successful and is very simple to do. You will notice how the hair will be much cleaner and with much more balance.

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