My nail is green, what do I do? How to spot ringworm problems

makeup and nails

10/ My nail is green, what should I do? How to identify ringworm problems My nail is green, what do I do? How to spot ringworm problems

If the nail is turning green, it could be a sign of an infection.

My nail is green, what do I do? How to spot ringworm problems

Avoid very humid environments and dry your fingernails and toenails well

My nail is green, what do I do? How to spot ringworm problems

A solution of vinegar and hot water helps minimize the greenish appearance of the nail.

My nail is green, what do I do? How to spot ringworm problems My nail is green, what do I do? How to spot ringworm problems My nail is green, what do I do? How to spot ringworm problems

Even if you don't go to the manicure every week, nail care is key to maintaining the region's healthy appearance. However, if you noticed that your nails started to turn green, this could be a sign of infection and fungus, which arise for different reasons. What to do in this case? Check out the tips here at stayed diva.

Toenails turn green more often

Fungi that cause mycosis and other nail problems tend to manifest themselves, in general, in humid places with little light. Therefore, it is very common to notice some color and shape change in toenails, especially if you are in the habit of wearing closed shoes for many hours a day.

In addition, those who regularly attend public places, such as gym showers or even the beach and pool, are also subject to some type of mycosis. So it's important to keep an eye out and take some specific care.

Put your shoes in more ventilated places

If it's the feet that mycoses attack most frequently, then don't neglect the health of the region. Therefore, whenever you wear closed shoes, leave the shoes in an airy place, as open as possible, so that they can “breathe” and dry.

The same goes for socks that must be changed regularly. Going to work out and need to shower at the gym? No going barefoot, diva! The slipper helps protect toenails and keeps fungus at bay.

Dry your feet well after bathing

Another important tip is to dry your feet and hands well after bathing, especially in the folds and between the fingers. If you have any wounds, it is worth betting on an anti-inflammatory so that the nails do not become infected or green.

Keep your nails trimmed

Just like toenails, hand nails can also show some color change because of fungus. Therefore, if you often go to the salon, make sure that the tools used by the manicurist are properly sterilized.

Not in the habit of getting your nails done? That's ok, but no leaving them too long or too short, to avoid the risk of contamination. Nails cut, sanded and clean are enough!

How to take care of green nails

If even with all the care you still got a green nail, there is a homemade recipe that can help you. Just dip your nails in a mixture of vinegar and hot water (the measure is one for two) and let it act for 15 to 20 minutes. If the situation is more critical, be sure to see a doctor!

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