My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem!

Loss of hair

My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem! My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem!

A can happen for several reasons: stressful routine, bad diet, anemia, use of certain medications and even excess chemicals

My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem!

Therefore, in addition to using specific shampoo and conditioner to combat hair loss, the ideal thing is that you find out what is causing this hair loss with the help of a dermatologist.

My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem!

Hair loss happens directly from the root

My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem!

Breakage is a consequence of damaged hair

My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem!

Homemade trick: hydration with rice water helps prevent hair loss

My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem! My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem! My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem! My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem! My hair is falling out at the roots, what do I do? Learn how to seek help after identifying a problem!

The uncontrolled loss of hair strands can happen for several reasons: stressful routine, bad diet, anemia, use of certain medications and even excess chemicals. Therefore, in addition to using specific shampoo and conditioner to combat hair loss, the ideal thing is that you find out what is causing this problem with the help of a dermatologist. Check out some tips to not get lost!  

What is hair loss?

Hair loss happens directly from the root. The problem can have many reasons: lack of vitamins, hormonal changes, thyroid diseases and even emotional issues, such as stress. It is normal for a person to lose approximately 100 hairs a day. As it is difficult to do the math, try to observe the amount of locks on the bathroom floor, pillow or excessive volume when combing them. If you noticed that the hair loss is exaggerated, it's time to look for a dermatologist. He will make the correct diagnosis to indicate the specific treatment for your problem.

There are also many cases of thread breakage...

Breakage is a consequence of damaged hair. Do you know when we're combing our hair and the strand breaks in half? So, this happens because the highlights are fragile, in need of treatments, such as reconstruction, hydration or nutrition. You can also invest in special shampoos and conditioners for hair loss control. But be aware, they will only help you occasionally, the important thing is that you have a care routine so that the hair regains strength and does not become more brittle.

Homemade trick: hydration with rice water helps prevent hair loss

The use of rice goes far beyond cooking: it is also an ally of our hair. Its substances (such as feluric acid and oryzanol) work as powerful antioxidants and protect them from the action of free radicals. In addition, soaking water with food is also a good natural treatment for hair loss, as it helps repair and strengthen hair. See how to do it:

1 step: pour a cup of uncooked rice into a glass container and cover them completely with filtered and boiled water.

2 step: stir the mixture and let it sit for about 8 hours. Then sift the rice and store the water in a spray bottle. If you are going to cook the rice, boil it with twice the volume of water, so that it does not absorb all the liquid.

3 step: let it cook for about 15 minutes, sieve, store the water in a jar and wait to cool down before using. As for food consumption, no need to worry, it can be consumed normally and does not need to be wasted.

4 step: with the hair already washed, spray the rice water on the entire length and massage for a few minutes. After that, just rinse with cold water. Very easy, right? This step by step can be repeated once a week to keep your strands healthy.

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