My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look

black hair

26/ My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look

The chocolate tone is an option for those who want to lighten their black hair.

My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look

Chocolate color works on all skin and hair types

My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look

If you have black dyed wires, you need to do a stripping before lightening the wires

My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look

Lighter hair fades more easily, you need to pay attention to daily care

My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look

To change the tone of black hair to chocolate, you need to invest in permanent coloring with 30 volume hydrogen peroxide

My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look

Hydration maintains the color of the wires in a chocolate tone and leaves the hair very soft

My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look

diva tip

My hair is black, if I dye it chocolate does it work? Learn how to change the look

6.7 Chocolates


Black hair is more difficult to lighten than other hair. For this reason, those who have hair naturally in this color and intend to go blonde need to be very patient, as the color only lightens up to three shades. However, not all of them want very clear strands and bet on the chocolate tone to brighten up the look. Will the nuance stick? Find out here at Stay Diva!

The chocolate tone works for those with very dark hair.

Black threads have a very strong pigmentation and because of this they are not easy to change color. For those who want to lighten up the look, chocolate is a great option, because the tone takes on darker locks and also makes a more subtle transformation in the look.

Also, the shade is very versatile and works with all skin and hair types. Whoever has the wires painted black, however, needs to go through a pickling process before betting on the transformation. And more: toner has no lightening power, it just enhances the color and adds shine. Therefore, it is important to bet on permanent coloring to change and achieve the desired tone.

The whitening result will depend on the hydrogen peroxide you use.

When choosing the color to transform your look, you need to make sure what the volume of hydrogen peroxide is. With the 30-volume one, it's easier to get a chocolate tone without having to go through any other chemical procedure.

However, it is worth remembering that it is important to read the explanatory leaflet carefully to follow all the necessary guidelines. Touch proof will ensure you don't have any allergic reactions or skin irritations. The strand test will show the resistance of your strand and also reveal the color that your hair will be.

The lighter strands can fade easily

After you dye your hair chocolate, some precautions are important to keep the color always alive and bright. That's because lighter strands fade more easily and can become opaque and lackluster.

The tip is to take care of the strands daily with specific products for colored hair. Alternate washing your hair and remember to finish with creams and oils with a UV filter, since the sun's rays are responsible, most of the time, for the fading of your locks.

Don't forget to moisturize well after changing the color of your hair.

Hydration is essential to not only maintain the color of your hair, but also to prevent the hair from drying out. The deeper treatment will also prevent the strands from fading quickly, in addition to leaving the locks very soft and with movement.

The concentrated mask can be used once or twice a week, depending on your hair's needs. But don't just stick to the traditional cream! Hydration bombs are great when the days are more busy and homemade recipes are easy to make and very affordable. Take the opportunity to try several! 

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