My curly hair no longer defines. What to do?

Curly hair

24/ My curly hair no longer defines. What to do? My curly hair no longer defines. What to do?

Curly hair loses its definition due to lack of treatment or incorrect styling.

diva tip

My curly hair no longer defines. What to do?

Curls of Your Way Definition Pudding


Not all curly and frizzy hair has definition, which is not a defect. The problem is when the curls lose the definition they already had, because of a product that didn't work or because of the lack of adequate treatments. If you're going through this, learn what to do to recover your curls with the tips that Fica Diva separated for you!

Try products suitable for your yarn type

Each curl has a curvature, which varies from 2a (wavy) to 4c (curly). But when buying creams and finishers, we don't always pay attention to this information.

So if your hair isn't defining more, maybe it's because the products you're using don't work on your strand type. Test new products and, if applicable, bet on more hydrating and nutritious versions, with oils in the composition, which tend to better define the curls.

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Capriche in the water when finishing the curls

No matter how good your finisher is, do you know what really makes a difference in defining curly and frizzy hair? The water! That's right, it leaves the curls well defined and ensures a powerful day after.

If you're having trouble defining your locks, try spraying water on your locks while you apply the cream and tape. To remove the excess and not leave with the curls dripping around, just dry them with a cotton shirt or a microfiber towel. You will feel the difference!

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The gelatine or the finisher delicacy are allies of the definition

If you enjoy a super defined and frizz-free look, it's important to include gelatin in your finish. The product, with a smoother texture, defines and holds curls for longer. The ideal is to use it together with your favorite combing cream, to avoid dryness of the locks.

But if you want a more powerful result or if your strands are more frizzy and dry, it's worth replacing the gelatin with the finisher manjar. The creamier texture is perfect for hydrating curls while ensuring power definition.


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