Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

Red hair

16/ Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with! Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

Light red hair is vibrant, bright and flatters all hair textures. Get inspired by the photos in the gallery and the tips in the article! (Photo: Instagram @alina_schiano)

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

The light red hue gives luminosity to wavy hair. (Photo: Instagram @amyburke)

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

Light red curly hair is full of personality and style. (Photo: Instagram @annisalimara)

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

The alignment of straight hair highlights the brightness of the light red color. (Photo: Instagram @masliakovamargarita)

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

Curly hair with light red hair does not go unnoticed, as the color enhances the curls. (Photo: Instagram @sraluciaporfavor)

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

Light red hair is super versatile and can have a more brownish background. (Photo: Instagram @amythehaircutter)

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

Light copper red is the best bet for those who prefer a more discreet look. (Photo: Instagram @mariechristinelab)

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

Light copper red hair is also very suitable for brunettes and black women. (Photo: Instagram @kaceekimora)

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

Curly hair looks super stylish with the light red color. (Photo: Instagram @nyabryanna)

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with! Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with! Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with! Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with! Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with! Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with! Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with! Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with! Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

diva tip

Light red: 13 photos of coloring in various hair types for you to fall in love with!

Copper Red 7.44 Cor&Ton


Looking for light red hair inspiration? This super versatile and modern coloring combines with different styles and values ​​all hair types. In each strand, it provides a unique look, which enhances the natural characteristics of the locks. To prove it to you and give you that little push you need to change your look, we selected 13 redhead divas with varied hair with the light red hue. Check out!

Curly and kinky light red hair is full of personality

A post shared by Tiere (@tierechristyan)

Curly and curly divas who want to adopt light red hair can invest in this shade without worry. The color enhances the curls, as it enhances the volume of the strands and gives more personality to the locks. Those who don't like to go unnoticed can bet on a more open light red hair with warm reflections, like the light copper red hair. The copper tone reflections are also very suitable for brunettes and black women who want to go red and balance the color with their skin tone.

On the other hand, if you prefer a more sober and discreet look, shades of light red with a brown background and few reflections are the most suitable. These nuances are reminiscent of natural red hair and make the look more natural.

Straight hair highlights the luminosity of the light red color

A post shared by Margarita Masliakova (@masliakovamargarita)

One of the characteristics of the light red hue is its luminosity, especially in shades that contain copper reflections. And on straight hair, this lighting is even more evident because of the flat alignment of the strands. Just like the curly ones, the straight ones can also explore the different shades of light red, investing in more sober or more vivid nuances. As there is no right or wrong in the world of coloring, the secret is to invest in the look that best represents your personality and style!

How to have light red hair: tips for before and after coloring

A post shared by alex_make_up_art (@alex_bakhrakh)

The first question for every woman who wants to go red is whether she needs to bleach her hair. In the case of light red hair, the answer will depend on your current foundation tone. Those who have naturally very dark hair, such as dark brown or black, will have to bleach their hair to achieve the shade. Already the owners of light brown or blonde hair can make the transformation without discoloring. If your hair already has some coloring, the most recommended procedure is pickling, to remove existing pigments, since dye does not lighten dye.

Before any hair transformation, it is essential to have super well-groomed and strong hair. Therefore, pay attention to the capillary schedule and keep it up to date before coloring. After adopting light red hair, the strands will need twice as much care to keep the color impeccable and the hair fiber healthy. The tip is to do hydration and nutrition weekly to avoid dryness, which can cause loss of pigments and make red hair faded. Divas who need to bleach their locks must do a reconstruction every 15 days to replace proteins that the hair may lose after the procedure. 

When finishing, always use a combing cream or oil with thermal and UV protection so that the heat from the sun and from tools such as a flat iron and a hairdryer do not fade the color of the hair. In case of fading, the shine bath with toner is a technique that helps to recover the color. 

A post shared by Marie-Christine Labonte (@mariechristinelab)

Discover the best shade of light red for you with the Your Color Test

When it comes to changing your hair color, what counts is what makes you feel good and matches your style. But it's always good to choose a color that you know will be right for you, isn't it? And for those of you who want to adopt light red hair, but are still not sure of the exact shade, Fica Diva has the Test Your Color tool, a virtual tester to simulate the color in your hair before dyeing it! There are more than 30 shades of Color&Ton, including reds such as light coppery red, cherry red, cranberry red and many others for you to simulate as many times as you want!


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