I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way?

I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way?

If you have curly hair and want to straighten it, you must first evaluate your curl type to invest in the most suitable treatment.

I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way?

Ammonium thioglycolate is used to straighten or curl hair, depending on the tool used.

I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way?

Guanidine is recommended for those with curly hair who want to straighten it.

I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way?

Do a strand test and take care of the strands before applying the straightening product completely on the hair. I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way?

After straightening, restore your hair with hydration and reconstruction with liquid keratin.

I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way?

If you are going to straighten your hair with formaldehyde, it is important that the substance is in the permitted amount, 0.2%.

I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way? I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way? I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way? I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way? I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way? I have curly hair and I want to straighten it, what is the best way?


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Coming to terms with curly, frizzy hair is an important movement of acceptance and empowerment. However, not every girl wants to stop straightening her hair, and that's not a problem! If straightening is your option, it's essential to know, first of all, which methods are the most suitable and safest. That's why the diva left some tips for those who still have doubts. Check!

It is necessary to evaluate the type of curl to choose the best smoothing product.

Not all straightening or relaxing products react in the same way on different curls. In that case, it is important to consider your strand type before performing the chemical procedure. If your curls are more open and wavy, traditional or smart progressive brushes align the strands without altering the structure of the strands.

If your locks are tighter and frizzier, such as type 4 curls, and you want to straighten them definitively, you can opt for thioglycolate straightening. There are many straightening options with the substance, but the chemical should be used very carefully.

Know the difference between relaxer, guanidine and ammonium thioglycolate.

If you are looking for other formaldehyde-free and safer options, you can choose between relaxer, guanidine and thioglycolate. But what is the difference between these substances? Thioglycolate can be used for both straightening and curling, it all depends on your goal and the tool used. Relaxation does not straighten, but leaves curls more open and reduces volume.

For those who have very curly hair and want to straighten it in a more natural way, guanidine is the most suitable option. The straightening with the product is permanent and it is only necessary to touch up the overgrown parts every three months. But be careful: guanidine is not compatible with some chemical products (thioglycolate, for example), so be careful if you have color or have used another product before.

Hair needs to be healthy to avoid chemical cutting

Even if the chemical you've chosen to straighten your curls is gentler, it's essential to do a strand test before applying the product completely to your hair. That's because you run the risk of getting a chemical cut if your strands are not strong enough.

Before that, it's even more important to keep your tresses protected with regular moisturizing. Since the iron forms a sort of coating along the strands, they must be healthy to receive the chemistry.

After straightening, invest in deeper treatments.

Now that your hair is the way you want it, there's no need to neglect your locks, right? Straightened strands require special and deeper care, to recover from the aggressions caused by the chemistry.

In addition to weekly hydration, which must be maintained, it is worth investing in rebuilding with liquid keratin at least every 15 days. The treatment will restore protein and shine to your hair.

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