Hydration with cornstarch: Check out the benefits and tips on how to do it!

Everyone knows that cornstarch has several uses in the kitchen, right? But did you know that cornstarch also has many hair benefits? Yes, that's right, this simple kitchen ingredient can work miracles on our locks!

Hydration with cornstarch: Check out the benefits and tips on how to do it!

And the best, it works for all hair types, saving those from oiliness and dryness too! And all this with super easy recipes, so check out all the benefits and throw yourself into powerful hydrations.

1 - Reduces frizz and defines hair

Corn starch is rich in lactic acid, a powerful asset that renews the hair fiber. Great for sealing and giving a lot of shine to the strands, bringing a lot of softness and definition to the hair! Therefore, cornstarch is also a great ingredient to make homemade hair straightening recipes, as it models and aligns the hair. However, it is worth mentioning that the result is not so long-lasting, therefore, it needs to be constantly retouched!

2 - Decreases oiliness

There's a great cornstarch hack for anyone who suffers from super oily hair! It helps to eliminate the oiliness of the locks, giving a result very similar to a dry shampoo. So for those days when you're out of time and your scalp is super oily, apply some cornstarch to your hair and spread it out, the starch will quickly absorb the oil, leaving your hair looking great!

3 - Repairs dry ends

A great sealer, cornstarch can be a great ally for those moisturizing and moisturizing days, as it's great for sealing the hair cuticles, eliminating frizz. So, right after moisturizing your hair with your favorite oil or mask, bet on the miracle recipe to keep your hair perfect!

Hydration with cornstarch: Check out the benefits and tips on how to do it!

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Let's face it, there's no denying that it's a magic dust, right? By the way, cornstarch is used for several beauty tricks, recipes that bring impressive results and without any risk! Therefore, we separate recipes that will leave your hair super hydrated and wonderful, check it out.

Easy hydration for dry ends

100 ml of water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons of moisturizing mask

Dissolve the starch in water at room temperature and then lead to the fire stirring until it becomes a porridge. Let it cool down and mix the porridge with a moisturizing mask of your choice. Soon after, apply it to the hair and let it act for 20 minutes, rinse your hair and see the incredible result!

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Hydration with cornstarch: Check out the benefits and tips on how to do it!

Homemade smoothing with cornstarch

2 tablespoons of Yamasterol
3 teaspoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture. Wash your hair with just the shampoo and then apply the mixture to the strands from the roots to the ends and let it act for 25 minutes, then rinse and condition the hair to seal the cuticles.

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