How to remove hair dye? Tips for the product to come out faster


27/ How to remove the hair dye? Tips for the product to come out faster How to remove hair dye? Tips for the product to come out faster

The use of toner is a facilitator for those who love to bet on hair changes through the most diverse colors

Investing in the world of coloring can be a one-way street for those passionate about changing hair, even more so after discovering products that only facilitate the process, such as toner, for example, which acts only on the surface of the hair without opening or damaging the cuticles. of the locks. That's why removing the toner from your hair can be easier than it really looks!

Sunbathing helps to remove the dye from the hair 

If you don't use products with sun protection or color protection, the sun will speed up the process of fading the thread, as UVB rays remove proteins from the locks, while UVA rays can change the color of your hair. 

Washing your hair makes the toner come off faster 

As the toner is only on the surface, washing your hair more often makes the color come out quickly, especially if the shampoo does not have sun protection and has the presence of sulfate as an ally. The sulfate allows a deeper cleaning of the thread, removing the toner more easily.

A post shared by NNENNA ECHEM (@nnennaechem) on Jun 26, 2019 at 11:13 am PDT

Shampoo cap to remove the toner 

The shampoo cap can be made in three different ways, but in all options there is a risk of drying out the hair, so the ideal thing is that, before doing this process, you have dirty hair or have done some overnight wetting. . The result of each of the options depends on the current state of your hair color and the type of toner used previously.

Don't forget: the ideal thing is that the shampoo used is with sulfate!

Option 1: Shampoo with sulfate to remove hair dye

1 th step: With your hair untangled, divide your hair into sections.

2 step: With dry and untangled hair, distribute the shampoo and rub the product through the locks.

3 step: After applying the shampoo to all sections of the locks, put on a cap and let it act for at least one hour.

This option is the one that least damages the thread, however the fading result is not as intense as the next ones. If your hair is completely healthy, opt for the anti-residue shampoo to speed up the result! 

Option 2: Shampoo with Sulfate + Baking Soda to Remove Toner from Hair

In this option, after separating the strands of your hair, just apply the mixture of shampoo with a sachet of baking soda over the entire strand and let it act for between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on the condition of your hair and how much you want it. fade. 

Option 3: Shampoo with sulfate + bleaching powder + babadeiro oil to remove the toner from the hair

Here we have the action of a chemical, since the bleach, even in a small proportion, ends up penetrating the wire. That's why we recommend a few drops of that babadeiro oil to boost your shampoo and protect your hair!

Diva tip: only use this option if your hair isn't too damaged, see, diva? Just mix the shampoo and bleaching powder with your favorite oil! It can be castor, coconut and even argan - the important thing is to have that oil to treat the wires during the process. 

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