How to make men's hair curly?

male hair

31 How to make men's hair curly? How to make men's hair curly?

For men who want to leave their hair curly, it is necessary to take care of the strands already in the wash

How to make men's hair curly?

Choose a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner for lengths and ends only.

How to make men's hair curly?

Texturizing techniques are perfect for defining curly hair

How to make men's hair curly?

Hydration is the most important treatment to keep curls beautiful and healthy.

How to make men's hair curly?

The right haircut highlights the curls even more

How to make men's hair curly?

Bet on the layered cut to give more volume to the curls

How to make men's hair curly? How to make men's hair curly? How to make men's hair curly? How to make men's hair curly? How to make men's hair curly? How to make men's hair curly?

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How to make men's hair curly?

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Men are increasingly assuming their natural hair. However, as women already know, hair transition is not one of the easiest phases. She has to be patient to remove all the straightened parts and take good care of the strands so that they are strong and healthy. The advantage is that most men don't even go through this period, as they bet on the big chop with more peace of mind. And that's where the doubts begin: what to do to value curls? What are essential care? To know everything, check out the tips that Fica Diva separated for you!

Choose the right hair care products

Curly and frizzy hair care already starts in the shower. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right products to wash your locks, as this makes it easier to leave them defined and full of movement.

As curls tend to be more dry, the tip is to use a more moisturizing shampoo, which will clean, but without removing the oiliness that protects the strands. When applying the conditioner, take it easy with the amount, even more so if your hair is shorter. A little on the length and ends already gives emollience and facilitates detangling.

Bet on texturing to get more defined curls

After washing the hair, finishing is the next step to leave the curls well defined. To do this, invest in good texturizing, which will keep your hair the way you like it and still save you work in the following days.

Depending on the size of your threads, taping is the perfect solution, as is finger liss. Another really cool trick is to dry your hair with the plopping technique, tying a shirt over your head to remove all the moisture. It works, huh! And to help with finishing, combing cream, hair oils and gelatin are some of the most recommended products.

Keep your hair hydrated

To keep curly and frizzy hair always beautiful, it's no use just knowing how to wash and finish. You have to take deep care of the curls too, because they lose nutrients with everyday aggressions.

In that case, hydrate the highlights every week. The treatment with a concentrated mask replenishes the water in the strands and restores the balance, shine and softness of the curls. If you want to try some homemade recipe, go ahead! And more: you can enhance the treatment using vegetable oil, to nourish even more. The way to hydrate you choose, but you can't help but do it, agreed?

The layered cut enhances the curls

It's not because you assumed your natural hair that you're going to leave it uncut, right? Especially because it can highlight the curls even more and make them even more defined. The most suitable, in this case, is the layered cut.

If your hair is very short, the ideal is to keep the sides a little lower and emphasize the top of the head. As they grow, keep the style more round and cut the layers to increase or decrease the volume, according to your preference.

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