How to lighten your hair naturally: Check out easy recipes to change your look at home

Currently, there are several ways to change the look of the hair, such as: lights, Californians, ombré hair and balayage, which are techniques to leave the locks well lit. But, unfortunately these methods are aggressive for the hair fibers of our hair.

The good news is that there are already plenty of natural ways to lighten your hair, keeping it healthy, silky and glowing!

How to lighten your hair naturally: Check out easy recipes to change your look at home

That's why we've separated easy recipes with simple ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen! Check it out.

Recipes to lighten your hair naturally at home!

lighten hair with honey

How to lighten your hair naturally: Check out easy recipes to change your look at home


  • A cup of honey;
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • A tablespoon of vinegar.


  • Mix all ingredients until smooth;
  • Wash your hair and then apply the mixture evenly strand by strand;
  • Let it act for an hour;
  • Rinse your hair and wash again to remove excess product.

Lighten your hair with chamomile tea

How to lighten your hair naturally: Check out easy recipes to change your look at home


  • Two chamomile tea bags;
  • A cup of water.


  • Make chamomile tea and wait to cool down;
  • Wash your hair only with shampoo and then apply the tea all over the locks. A sprayer can help with the application;
  • Let the tea act for at least one hour;
  • Finally, rinse your hair and finish with a conditioner of your choice.

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lighten hair with vinegar

How to lighten your hair naturally: Check out easy recipes to change your look at home


  • A cup of apple cider vinegar;
  • Six cups of water.


  • Mix the ingredients in a container;
  • After washing, apply the mixture all over the hair and let it act for 15 minutes;
  • Rinse your hair and finish with a conditioner.

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Lighten your hair with lemon juice

How to lighten your hair naturally: Check out easy recipes to change your look at home


  • Two lemons;
  • Three cups of water.


  • With the help of a juicer or fork, remove all the juice from the lemon and dilute it in the indicated amount of water;
  • Apply the mixture over the entire length of the hair;
  • Let it acts for 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse and wash your hair normally.

IMPORTANT: Do not get the sun with this mixture on your hair, this could cause burns to your skin. When you wash your hair, make sure you remove all lemon residue from your hair.

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lighten hair with cinnamon

How to lighten your hair naturally: Check out easy recipes to change your look at home

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  • Two tablespoons of cinnamon powder;
  • Three scoops of conditioner of your choice.


  • Mix the ingredients in a bowl until smooth;
  • Right after washing your hair, apply the mixture to your hair evenly;
  • Let the product act for at least four hours;
  • Rinse and finish with a combing cream of your choice.

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