How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth

makeup and nails

17/ How to make the nail grow in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth

To make your nails grow faster, you need to keep an eye on your diet.

How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth

Homemade recipes are practical and help in nail growth

How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth

Milk, lemon, olive oil and garlic are some foods that can be used to strengthen nails.

How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth

To stimulate nail growth, you need to increase blood flow in the region.

How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth

Activities such as keyboard typing, playing an instrument and moving files are some options for pumping the blood in your nails.

How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth

When typing, use only your fingertips, so as not to press your fingernails

How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth How to grow nails in a week? Check out the tips to strengthen and stimulate growth

If you're the type who dreams of having long, beautiful nails, we have good news: you can accelerate growth in just one week! Yes, with the right care and some home tricks, you can increase the length of your nails, in addition to making them stronger and healthier. Want to know more? Then check out the tips that Fica Diva separated for you!

The change must start from the inside out!

It may sound cliché, but a balanced diet is key to keeping your nails strong and healthy. When nails are strengthened, they tend to grow much faster. Therefore, have a hearty breakfast and assemble very colorful dishes for the main meals. Oh, don't forget to drink plenty of water.

In a week, you will notice that not only your nails, but your hair, skin and even sleep will improve a lot. Not to mention that staying away from fats, sweets and fried foods for seven days is not absurd, is it? Your health thanks you!

Bet on homemade recipes to strengthen nails and accelerate growth

A more practical tip is to make homemade mixes to apply on your nails and speed up growth. Do you already know the milk and lemon tip? Just mix a little fruit juice with milk in a wide container and soak your nails for 15 minutes. Do this procedure three times a week for immediate results.

Another option is to mix two tablespoons of olive oil in a cup of boiling water and put your hands in this mixture for 10 minutes - after letting it cool, of course! And no removing the product after the break time, just let it dry naturally. This recipe is rich in vitamin E and leaves your nails hydrated and strong!

There's more: garlic is a powerful food to make nails grow faster. You can use it pure, crushing two cloves of garlic well and applying the paste formed on the nails for 10 minutes, for a week. If you prefer, you can also put it finely chopped inside your strengthening base and use it normally. Do the test!

Do activities that increase blood flow to the nail region

Just like the scalp, where you need to increase blood circulation to stimulate hair growth, the same happens with nails. When you increase blood flow to your toe area, your nails get stronger and grow faster.

And how do you do it? Simple! Typing on the keyboard, playing instruments, handling documents and papers... all of this brings more blood to the region, which helps - and a lot! - to strengthen the nails. Just be careful not to press too hard on your nails and cause the opposite effect. If you're going to type, just with your fingertips, agreed?

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